1.9 : Only Anthony.

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I meant to update this yesterday lol.

Dedication: bc that error doe.

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Ian had woke up to the feeling off sloppy, wet kisses placed on his cheek. He knew it was Anthony doing it and he knew why he was doing it. Ian really wasn't in the mood to get up and wake up, he just wanted to sleep in all day. The more kisses that were placed on his face the more awake he got, somewhat.

Ian had turned around to see a smiling Anthony beside him. Ian had lazily smiled back to Anthony and tried opening his eyes a little bit more. He raised his hand over eyes blocking the sunlight away. Anthony shuffled around in bed and sat up a little.

Anthony just stared at Ian who was lying in bed and was smiling like a idiot. Ian noticed he was staring, "Stop staring."

"Why? You're to beautiful, it's hard not to stare," Anthony smiled which caused Ian to smile. Ian then sat up and looked around. "What time is it?" Ian mumbled. "It's 8:56," Anthony said as if it was no big deal they had woke up late. "What?" Ian gasped.

"Anthony were suppose to be at school!" Ian said and threw his covers off of him. Ian got out of bed and tried to walk to his door when suddenly Anthony grabbed his waist. "No! Stay in bed with me!" Anthony pouted. Ian stopped and turned around, "Why? We don't have time we need to go to school!" Ian said with anger.

"Because it's my birthday today," Anthony said.

"Oh god it is? I didn't know, ugh i'm so dumb," Ian said and face palm himself. Anthony chuckled and just pulled Ian to him. "You're not dumb, you're adorable," Anthony said and kissed Ian's cheek. (goals)

Ian slowly lifted his hand off his face and stared at Anthony, "Happy Birthday." Anthony smiled and brought Ian closer to him. "Thank you babe," Anthony muttered and kissed Ian's neck and up to his cheek. Ian closed his eyes slowly and lifted his hand to Anthony's hair.

Ian then turned around and kissed Anthony's lips and kissed him nonstop. Anthony then leaned his back on the bedroom walls and Ian crawled onto the bed. Ian deepened the kiss and ran his fingers through Anthony's hair. Anthony just held his hands on Ian's waist, slowly lifting them up rubbing Ian's back.

Ian then heard a screech and turned around. His eyes immediately went wide once he saw his mother standing there in front of his bedroom door. Her hands were halfway up and she squinted her eyes in horror, and shock. "Mom?! No mom!" Ian said and felt his cheeks heat up.

His mom just simply ran away leaving his door wide open. "I'm so sorry," Anthony said and touched Ian's shoulders. Ian threw his hands off and stood up, "I have to go see my mom."

With that Ian was gone and left Anthony sitting in bed with sorrow in his eyes. Ian walked down the hallway and went to his mom's room. He noticed the door was shut and heard her crying. "Mom?" Ian mumbled his lips formed into a frown and he felt his eyes begin to water up.

"Not now Ian," His mom said. "But mom-" "I said not now!"

Ian felt his heart shatter and he felt a tear roll down his cheeks. Ian then ran to his room and saw Anthony standing there. Ian then ran into Anthony's arms and cried. Anthony shut his eyes and held Ian tightly. "Shh, it's okay baby," Anthony said trying to calm him down. "No it's not she hates me," Ian choked over his crying.

After a few minutes Ian and Anthony were then laying in bed. Ian had stopped crying and was laying in Anthony's arms. Anthony just ran his hand up and down Ian's arm trying to comfort him the best he could. Ian stared at his wall just thinking about everything that had happen.

"Ian?" Ian had heard he lifted his head and saw his mom standing there by his door. She had a tissue in her hand and you can see tear stains on her cheeks. "Can i speak to you? Alone," She muttered. Ian looked at Anthony and Anthony just nodded. Ian then released himself out of Anthony's grip and sat up. Anthony then got up and left the room.

Ian's mom walked in and shut the door. Anthony leaned his back against the door and shut his eyes, trying to listen to their conversation.

"Ian, why didn't you tell me?" she whispered. "I was a-afraid," Ian stuttered. "Why?" "I didn't want to get judge by my own mother," Ian said not looking at her. "I would never judge you Ian, i was just upset you never told me," His mom said and placed her hand on his thigh.

"How long have you been, you know, dating?" His mother asked. "A few days," Ian mumbled. "Listen Ian, i'm not mad nor disgusted at you, I just was upset you never told me."

"well yeah, I-i'm gay," Ian said slowly. He felt himself shaking and he got goosebumps all over him. "I love you," His mom said. "I love you too mom," Ian said and lifted his head to show her his tears that were spilling.

His mom soon then broke down and hugged Ian. The two of them cried in each others arms and stayed like that for a while.

soon after they were done Ian's mom had left. Anthony then walked in the room and saw Ian just sitting there. "You okay?" Anthony asked and held his hand. "I-I guess," Ian said. Anthony kissed the top of his head and Ian sighed.

"My mom said you can stay if you want," Ian said and looked at him. "Of course I want to stay I need to make sure my baby is okay," Anthony said. Ian gave him a small smile in return.

Soon the two boys were cuddling together and were silent. "I'm sorry I ruined you're birthday," Ian mumbled. "You didn't ruin it, I got to spend all day with you!" Anthony said trying to cheer Ian up. Ian smiled and pecked Anthony's lips.

He then pulled away and kissed Anthony's cheek. Anthony smiled at him, and Ian laid his head back down. Anthony stared at him straight in the eyes, "I love your kisses," Anthony said. "I love yours too," Ian smiled which caused Anthony to kiss him. "Glad to know," Anthony said and smiled through the kiss.

Ian felt happy and sad at the same time. He couldn't choose one, he just wanted this day to be over with. He wanted all of his feelings to just drain away and he wanted to stay in Anthony's arms forever. He didn't want to see any sunlight, he didn't want to see anybody. He just wanted Anthony and only Anthony.

He just wanted to be just them two on the earth and he didn't want to do anything but just stay there. Ian wanted to go to sleep and get lost in his dreams, and escape from the real world and all his problems.

Ian was just not in the mood anymore, it was as if he had no feelings at all, He was just all grey. Everything had drained out from him and the only thing that kept him going was Anthony.

He just wanted Anthony, and only Anthony.

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