2.0 : The old Ian.

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This chapter is actually trash idk what im doing with this story anymore. 

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Ian woke up to a empty feeling beside him. He shifted around in bed, trying to get closer to Anthony. Ian then stretched his arm out to place it around Anthony. His arm fell straight to the bed which caused Ian to open his eyes. 

He then noticed Anthony wasn't there beside him. Ian laid back down and rubbed his eyes. He grabbed his phone to look at the time and immediately groaned once he read the time. It was almost bout to be eight and he would be late to school. 

Ian literally forced himself out of bed after minutes of procrastinating. He dragged himself over to his closet and grabbed something random out. 

After the boy got dressed he didn't fix his hair like he would normally do, he just combed it to the side and didn't spend to much time on his looks. 

Ian then grabbed his books and headed out of his room. He walked past his mom saying goodbye. He was about to step out of the door until his mother called him. "Wait!" 

Ian looked at her with a questioning look, "yeah?" "Come here real fast," She said walking out of the kitchen to the living room. Ian then groaned not wanting to be late for school. "What is it?" Ian asked shutting the door and walking to the living room. 

"Me and your father have something to tell you," she began. "Mom do you think maybe you can tell me after school? I'm going to be late for school," Ian said. He was surely interested in what his parents have to say but he didn't have time. 

"Oh yeah, go ahead," his mother said plainly. "Thank you, I love you," Ian rushed. He heard his mother say the same thing back as he ran out of the house. 

Ian wouldn't mind actually being late for school to listen to his parents talk to him about whatever. Ian just knew what they wanted to discuss and he really didn't want to talk about, he knew they wanted to talk to him about why he is gay. 

They are just going to say he is not gay and he is just curious, just like any other parent would tell their  kid. The thing is Ian knew he wasn't curious at all, he knew he was gay. Ian also knew his parents accept him for they way he is but he just knew they wanted to have a discussion about it to him. He knew they wanted to tell him they're there for him, he knew that they wanted to tell him about dating Anthony might not be the best. Of course he knew they wanted to ask him a lot of questions about his sexuality but he didn't want to discuss it. 

Ian had arrived at school and he sighed as he entered the building. As usual Ian went straight to his locker to go put up his things. As he was doing that he heard someone say his name but, in a different way, "Ian?" 

Ian turned his head to see his friend standing next to him, "Oh hey," Ian said quickly. "What up with your look? Is it because now your dating Anthony you're just gonna go back to your old self?" At that point Ian was confused. 

"What?" He said but then looked down at his outfit. 

Ian had thrown on a dark blue sweater and black skinny jeans. "Oh i didn't notice what i was picking out today, at least i got the pants right," Ian said throwing in that little comment as a joke. "Yeah whatever, I got to go, catch you later," His friend said and left. Ian looked at him weirdly and returned to organizing his things. 

He knew his friends and him weren't the best at the moment but he didn't know why they wanted to act different to him. Ian shut his locker and looked around trying to see if he can spot Anthony out. Ian's eyes scanned everywhere and eventually gave up when he couldn't spot.

"Maybe he's just a little late," Ian mumbled to himself. He tried not thinking of the worse about why he didn't see Anthony but then again it was just the beginning of the day. 

When it came down to fifth period Ian didn't see Anthony either. Of course Ian was concerned as in why his boyfriend hadn't shown up to school. Ian didn't want to think of the worse, he just simply shrugged off his thoughts. 

. . .

Well it had been official Anthony was practically gone all day. Ian missed him dearly too, he didn't know how he had survived almost a day without seeing Anthony. 

Ian walked inside his house and went straight to his room. When he first walked he made sure to tell his parents he was home by yelling it out, "I'm home!"

Ian threw his books down and collapsed onto his bed. He instantly got on his phone looking at whatever. He then heard a soft knock at his door, "Ian?" Ian looked up to see him mom standing there. "Oh hey mom," Ian said and returned his gaze back to his phone.

"We still need to tell you something," His mother said walking further into his room. Ian had totally forgot his parents wanted to talk to him. "Uh yeah, okay." 

Ian sat up and his mother sat on his bed, "Okay this is very important to tell you , we know you wont like it but we think its the best for us." Ian instantly got nervous at what she had to say, just the way she was talking, full of sorrow and pity, made him feel like he was on the edge of a cliff, waiting to fall. 

"Okay what is it?" 

"Ian were going to move away, out of Sacramento." There it was, Ian was then falling off that cliff and he felt his heart beat faster. 

"What?" Ian gasped. Ian then could feel his eyes began to water up. "Why? When? No, we cant!" 

"Ian, your father and I think its the best for you," his mom said. "Why? It's not the best for me, is it because of Anthony?" Ian said. He felt himself getting all choked up. His heart had shattered into a million pieces and he just wanted to shoot himself.

"Ian we just want you to have a new life, start off right." "Mom i'm not going to start a new life right without Anthony, i'm just going to be depressed!" Ian exclaimed. "You never know," his mother said, trying to calm down Ian. "No mom I can't see myself without Anthony," Ian said. 

"Well we made our decision Ian, there is no turning back, were moving." With that his mother began to walk to the door but then she stopped and turned to Ian, "Were just doing what's right for you." She left and shut his door.

Ian was so mad and sad at the same time. He didn't want to leave Anthony, he didn't see why his parents can't see that. 

Ian just needed to tell Anthony the news and he just wanted to hear his voice. Ian grabbed his phone and instantly called Anthony. Anthony didn't pick up his phone at all and Ian felt crushed. Ian had sent him million calls and messages but Anthony hadn't respond. 

Ian felt himself going mad, he finally then collapsed onto his bed, crying and crying. 

"What am I going to do?" Ian sobbed to himself quietly. 

. . .

Shit just got real This chapter was actually based off of me and my ex. My mom didn't want me to see her because she was really homophobic about me being bi. We went to the same school and when she found out about us she sent me to a different school away from my ex so i couldn't see her. 

Teenagers || Ianthony AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora