2.6: This is it?

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Ian stood still, crying into Anthony's chest. Anthony hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go of him. The two boys just stood there, clinging on to one another and feeling upset.

Two days had already passed by and it was time for Ian to leave. None of them would think a day like this would come but it just did, and surprised both of them. They didn't even think it'd come by this fast either. Ian wished he had more time to spend with Anthony before it was official that Ian was gone. The two boys did hang out the other day and they both can remember it very well.

*'* Flashback *'*

Ian stared at Anthony and smiled at him. Anthony soon caught on and tilt his head to the side. "What are you staring at?" "Someone who is beautiful," Ian said confidently.

Anthony blushed and smiled wide. "You're to perfect," Anthony mumbled. "Nothings perfect in this world, that's what makes everything interesting." "You're perfect in my eyes," Anthony said. Ian smiled at him.

Ian reached his hand out and placed his hand into Anthony's. Anthony locked their fingers together and stared at their hands. As cliche it sounds they're hands fit together perfectly like, pieces to jigsaw puzzle, or a key that fits perfectly into a lock. It made Anthony feel like he found the one.

"I love you," Ian said looking at Anthony. "i love you too," Anthony replied right away. He then sighed, "Do you really have to leave?"

Ian sighed and then suddenly became upset than usual. Ian nodded not saying a word. Anthony felt hurt, "I wish I can do something to make you stay." "Me too," Ian mumbled.

Silence fell upon the boys and Ian suddenly broke it, "Let's just enjoy these last few hours we have together." Anthony looked at him and nodded. "Okay," He mumbled. Ian then smiled and then leaned his head on Anthony's shoulder. Anthony protectively wrapped his arms around Ian, holding him close.

They sat where they had first met in the park, against the tree they first sat at too, just watching the sun go down slowly, and enjoyed each others company.

*'* End of flashback *'*

Anthony stared into Ian's eyes, which were no longer the bright blue they used to be. They were so dull, it was almost to the color gray. His eyes were red and puffy from all the crying he had done.

Looking at Ian who looked like a complete mess made Anthony upset. He hated seeing Ian being in such a mess. He wished that he could just hold him and never let go until he felt better.

Ian's parents whistled and called Ian. "Ian honey, we are leaving in a few minutes hurry up!"

"So ... I guess this it?" Ian mumbled. Anthony's eyes began to water up, and shook his head 'no'. "This isn't it, i promise you will be together soon," Anthony said trying to make Ian feel better.

"Come on Ian, lets go!" He heard his parents shout. "I love you Anthony," Ian said. "I love you Ian," Anthony said, his voice cracking. Ian saw a tear roll down Anthony's cheek and wiped it away with his thumb.

Ian then suddenly kissed Anthony on the lips. It was a sweet loving, passionate kiss and soon it had to end. Ian pulled away and looked at Anthony.

"Goodbye," Ian said shyly and tried to smile. Anthony just nodded and Ian turned away.

He began to walk to the car and opened the door. He got in and shut the door. Ian looked at Anthony who was having a breakdown and then looked at his house he had lived in for the past 16 years. He looked at the "for sale"" sign and he looked at Anthony.

Anthony was crying but it looked like he was trying to stay strong, and try not to cry. Ian looked down at his hands and fiddled with them. "Ready to go?" Ian heard his father say. Ian nodded and soon they were off.

They began to drive away from their old house, and they began to drive away from Anthony.

This is it, Ian thought.

It was hard for Anthony to watch Ian's car began to drive away from him, knowing they won't return ever. Once they were out of sight Anthony had it. He broke down and began to cry out loud. He didn't want to stay in front of Ian's house and so he began to run.

He didn't know where he was heading but he didn't care. Anthony suddenly didn't care about anything anymore, because everything he cared about is gone.

He only cared about Ian, and now he's gone!

Anthony eventually rounded up running home. He had ran inside his house ignoring his family. He ran up to his room and slammed the door shut. He laid in bed and cried his heart out. After hours of crying he stopped, and was then very tired.

"He's gone," Anthony mumbled to himself. "Ian's gone," and with that Anthony drifted off to sleep. 

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