2.4 : Princess.

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+Just a note that it's very late and i'm tired and idk what i'm doing in this chapter so it's kinda shitty & short . . . E N J O Y+

Ian arrived home later than usual, and he knew for sure there was going to be consequences, and there was.

Once Ian had closed the front door and took one step further into his house there was his mother looking furious than ever. "Why are you late?" His mother asked crossing her arms. Ian shrugged, "I was out with my friends for a little while."

"Are you sure?" She question him. Ian looked up at her with big eyes, "yes mom, i'm sure." "Alright then," his mother sighed. "I'm gonna go to my room now," Ian said and then walked past his mother.

God, even that was awkward for Ian. Sometimes Ian wished his parents never knew about him and Anthony, and sometime he even wishes he had never fallen in love with Anthony. But out of all, he wishes he never had agree to the stupid plan him and his friends had made. All because of that plan, Ian is now leaving Sacramento.

Ian slammed his bedroom door on accident, he was caught up in his thoughts he just kinda let his anger out and didn't even realize it. Now, whatever Ian does, he had to make sure he does it cautious, unless his parents will freak out and ask him a billion questions.

Ian knows that a responsible parents should always be concern for their child but Ian didn't like it. At first his parents were never concerned about him until he told them about him being gay, and how he is dating Anthony.

So what gives? Why is it now that everything is going perfectly fine for Ian they suddenly become concern? Ian sometimes thinks it's because life hates him and the worst has to happen to him.

Ian wanted to not care at all, but that wasn't him. He was the innocent shy little kid who cares about everything. No matter how hard he tried to not care, or be tough, it doesn't work out right.

Ian laid in bed, bored out of his mind, with Anthony on his mind.

He was kind upset with Anthony too. Anthony had been missing for a couple of days with no good excuse, just, "I've been sick."

Ian didn't want to be those over-controlling boyfriends but he just wanted to know. Ian hasn't been in a actual real, serious relationship before and he didn't want to lose Anthony. That's why Ian always acts like an over-controlling boyfriend whenever Anthony does something suspicious.

Ian grabbed out his phone and decided to text Anthony,

Ian: I'm bored, can we talk?

It was only in a few minutes his phone buzzed off , receiving a reply from Anthony. Ian always smiled whenever Anthony text him back, he didn't know why but it just happens.

Anthony: Of course, what's wrong?

Ian: I missed you 😫 you've been distant.

Anthony: I'm sorry princess, i told you I've been sick, that's all.

Ian blushed at the nickname Anthony called him. The nickname just caused Ian to smile, princess, he liked it.

Ian: Princess? You're going to start calling me princess now? Anyways, yeah i know but you didn't even bother to send me a text.

Ian was for sure sounding like a complete controlling, crybaby boyfriend now. He had hope Anthony didn't think the same way as Ian.

Anthony: I'm sorry, I know I should've, and yes i'm going to start calling your princess for now on because you're my princess, princess. 😂👑😘

Ian knew he couldn't fight with Anthony or else he was just going to lose. Ian was just madly in love with Anthony he couldn't argue anymore about with him. He kinda felt guilty too, for no reason. Ian wasn't blaming anything on Anthony, but he just felt guilty.

He didn't mean to sound harsh either, he didn't want to be known as that kinda of a boyfriend. The boyfriend who is always freaking out about whatever their boyfriend is doing and ask a billion questions about it.

He didn't want to be known as the obsessed boyfriend in the relationship, not the cute obsessed love kinda of thing, more like a, i need to know what you're doing every minute of the day and why you are doing it, kinda obsessed boyfriend. (lol wut hannah)

Ian was kinda getting tired and wanted to end the conversation.

Ian: It's okay, i'll ttyl bye I love you! xx

Anthony: Okay princess, bye I love you too.

Princess, the word was stuck on his mind for what seems forever. He was happy at the nickname Anthony gave him. It was like one of those cliche things, were Anthony is Ian's prince and Ian was Anthony's princess and they are madly in love with each other.

Or like how in every princess movie, the princess is an outcast who is in love with the prince and somehow the end up together. That was basically Ian and Anthony. Ian was the shy dorky kid who is in love with Anthony and then somehow they ended up together.

The only difference was that in a princess movie they end up happily ever after, but with Ian moving away he knew it was going to be a happily ever after. 

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