"Don't expect me to dance." I scoff, "Because I don't dance." Nicholas says in sync with me, I glare at him and he simply chuckles.

Sometimes when we're out in public people tend to think he and I are a couple that is until I kiss Zeke. Sometimes I can tell that it bothers Zeke which is not absurd but also highly disgusting so Nicholas and I always have a big laugh about that. I mean Nicholas is like a brother to me, I could never imagine even kissing him so I do not entertain those kinds of conversations.

"You will dance." Elisha says.

I scoff crossing my arms in defiance, "I'm not dancing."

"O, who's dancing?" Our mother asked as she entered the room with a plate filled with sandwiches which she places on the table.

"Nobody." I answer just as Elisha answers, "Elijah."

"You should be happy about your talent." Our mother states as she exists both the conversation and room.

I mumble under my breath, "Elisha just likes it when I twerk."

"Actually, Ezekiel likes when you twerk." She wiggles her brows and throws a not-so-subtle wink at my boyfriend.

Feigning shock, I turn to him and give him a questioning look, "What?"

"That's not true." He aggressively shakes his head, a guilty look plastered all over his gorgeously chocolate face.

My boyfriend is a tall, dark glass of chocolate milk. He's lean and fit with strong broad shoulders and evenly large arms. Athlete legs and abs to melt for, his chin perfectly sculpted and his hair cut just right.

"Oh. So you don't like it when I twerk?" I continue on with the hoax.

His brows raise as his eyes widen, "No, no. I do." He looks panicked I suppress my laughter.

"You perv!" I hit his chest, letting out what I wish is an offended huff. Turning my body so my back is to him.

I feel him lightly shove me, "You're clearly messing with me."

I finally let out my poorly stifled laugh, "I definitely am. I wouldn't care either way, baby." I lightly peck him.

I hear a groan I know belongs to my sister, "Please, my bloody virgin eyes!" Elisha yells.

I wave her off, "Oh, shut up."

"Would you like to see me kissing Nicholas?" She countered but I just let out a chuckle, "I don't think I'd like it but I don't think he'd mind." I obnoxiously wink in his direction.

"Does anyone have a theory as to why Alexander Russo stopped the attack?" Nicholas rushes out in a successful aid to change the topic of conversation.

Elisha looks at me, sadly because of her werewolf hearing she heard Alexander and I's entire conversation. I haven't told her, or anyone for that matter, about his stalking or visit the previous night. I wouldn't know how to explain it. 'Oh yeah, the guy who tried to destroy out pack occasionally crosses our boards undetected just to watch me.' Yeah, I think not. Silence is my best friend at the current moment.

"No. It is weird that he suddenly stopped his pack though. He never stops an attack until the last wolf on that battlefield drops or the Alpha of that pack surrenders." Zeke states.

Nicholas raised a brow, "Elijah?" He glances at me questionably.

I hold his stare, "What?"

I was not about to spew my guts out to them, I could hardly – big lie – make out what even happened that day, let alone why. Why would I go ahead and tell them?

My Monster Mate (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now