"Because I'm dreaming too..." He whispered as he sealed his lips to Candy's. He started moving his lips slowly against hers. His hand caressed her face as his tongue ran across her bottom lip. However, this time, Candy let him deepen the kiss. He explored her mouth inch by inch, fighting for dominance with her tongue - winning of course.

They pulled apart, both gasping for air. Theo rested his forehead on hers - looking deep into her light pink (that were slowly turning purple) eyes. "You know... I think I'm falling in love with you." Theo confessed solemnly.

"You barely know me." Candy giggled, pecking his lips.

"No, but I feel like I do... I feel like you're my mate; my other half." Theo said sincerely, holding her closer. "I know you haven't found your mate yet, but I believe you're my second chance." Theo had never admitted it before, but, every time she spoke, it sounded like angels. Every time they touched, he felt electricity shoot through him. Every time they kissed, he felt like he had known and loved her for a thousand years. He was undoubtedly falling in love with the girl he had known for so little time.

"Theo..." Candy didn't know how to respond.

"You don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know." He paused, then held Candy closer, "W-would you ever choose me? Like... urm... instead of b-being with your mate?" He let out a shaky breath.


Candy was woken up by a loads banging. She cracked her eyes open to see the pure white wolf with a rock in her mouth - banging it against the cave wall. As soon as Candy sat up, the wolf put it down and picked up something else. She walked over to Candy and dropped it in front of Candy's feet. When Candy looked, it was meat - which she recognised as deer. Candy looked at the wolf, who motioned for her to have it.

Candy tore the deer into pieces. She stabbed the meat with a sharp stick and handed it the wolf. She then priced a piece for herself. Candy then held it over the fire - cooking it. The wolf mimicked her actions, as it held the stick in her mouth. Once the meat was cooked, they both devoured it instantly.

Candy rested her back against the cold floor, once again. However, this time the wolf cuddled into Candy - who wrapped around her. The wolf whined to Candy, but Candy didn't have a clue what was going on. However, it seemed that Echo understood, because Candy was soon whining back. Candy assumed she had said good night... and she was right.

The night passed peacefully and Candy awoke to the nuzzling off the wolf. As she opened her eyes and unravelled herself from the wolf, she sat up. The fire was dead and the sun was starting to crawl over the horizon. She knew she would have to be up and moving soon.

She slowly stood up and felt an ache all over her body. The wolf instantly got up and walked outside - Candy followed. The sun still wasn't fully up, and the moon could still be seen. The wolf walked ahead, as Candy followed. Deva. Deva. Deva. Candy heard a whisper in the back of her mind. "Deva?" Candy wondered out loud. The wolf stopped and looked at her. "Deva." She repeated and the wolf started nodding. "That's your name?" It nodded again. "You're very cleaver, Deva." The wolf grunted in amusement - a smirk playing on her face - as she nodded again.

The wolf then started to stalk. Candy knew she was hunting. To help, she stripped off her clothing and shifted into Echo - who picked up the clothing between her teeth and ran alongside Deva. Deva didn't even question the fact that she was now a wolf, and continued like it was normal.

Echo also started stalking, getting ready to hunt. She had learnt to hunt from the times she had run away. She taught herself, meaning she wasn't the best.

However, mimicking Deva's actions, she successfully caught herself a deer for breakfast. Since Candy was Echo, she could eat it raw. However, she didn't eat all the meat. She saved some for the journey. When they got to the border line of the next territory, Deva stopped. Candy knew that she wouldn't be coming with her.

"Good bye," Candy crouched down to her level and held her snout, "It was nice meeting you; you're a true a friend." Candy smiled and Deva howled in reply. Candy started running as Deva continued to howl. She stopped just before Deva was out of sight and looked back at. Deva stopped howling and looked back at Candy, before nodding her head and running off.

Candy started running again. She ran as fast as she could for what felt like hours. She skilfully dodged trees and roots alike, but it all counted for nothing when she tripped over a huge tree root and landed flat on her face. She then started rolling down a hill. She felt her sides bruising as she rolled over big rocks and roots. She felt herself start to bleed when she rolled over a sharp rock.

She finally stopped, and we she opened her eyes she was in a clearing. She scanned her eyes around the area and noticed a small tent, and a campfire - that was still burning. Her eyes immediately homed in on a pair of boots advancing towards her. His feet crunch against the dry, crisp leaves on the ground. As he gets closer, Candy gets a whiff of his scent.


Candy instantly tried to move backwards. To escape. But before she could, the steel toe boots connected with the side of Candy's head. Her world became dizzy and disorientated. The rouge pulled her up and Candy got a good look at his face... and he hers.

"Well, well, well." He let out a raspy chuckle, "Look what the wolf dragged in." He tusked and Candy's vison started to darken. "I finally got you... Candy Knight."

"Y-you're the r-r-rouge from be-f-fore!"

"Indeed." He smirked as Candy lost her vison and passed out.


Dr Elizabeth Remmings, better known as Lizzy, walked through the hospital corridors - en route to Alpha Theodore. She pushed the door open and walked up the bed where he laid. She checked that all of his fluids where topped up, and that the tubes where connected properly. As soon as the fluids started to enter Theo's system, Lizzy nodded in approvement. However, it wasn't long until machines started beeping like crazy - Theo's vitals are dropping.

Lizzy pressed the emergency assistance button. "This is Doctor Remmings. We have a code blue in room 702. I repeat: We have a code blue in room 702." She tried to shake Theo, even though she knew nothing would happen. "He's dying."


Ciao my Devils!!

Sorry for the delay on updating. I've been hella busy with A Level work and juggling with story I work on.

Anyways!!! Wish us luck for the Watty's!!!! :P

Short and sweet authors note...


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~ Popcorn


Mates With the Devil ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora