"You badass" Anna chuckled. She and Natalie both took their turn at knocking back the tequilas.


"I know she's in the bar, but I want to know if he's with her" Blake snarled down the phone as he staggered around on the sidewalk outside his apartment "Good, keep your eye on her and tell me as soon as she leaves the bar. I don't care how long it takes, I am paying you to be there...oh and Tyler if lover boy shows up I want to know okay...bye"


Lily, Natalie and Anna had finally made their way to the dance floor, they were throwing some crazy shapes to Sugar by Maroon 5 "Didn't Ryan write a song for these guys?" Anna laughed as she watched Lily moving around the dance floor.

"Yep" Lily laughed "I don't think there is a song he hasn't worked on recently, he is a pretty popular guy"

"Well he has been named as the undercover king of pop by Billboard" Natalie interrupted.

"Oh my god how do you even know that?" Lily couldn't help but laugh at Natalie's knowledge.

"Well I do read magazines you know, they have them in Thailand" Natalie replied with an amused tone "Besides when your best friend is dating someone famous it's our duty to check him out and get to know his background"

"Oh god Nat please tell me you didn't get your dad to check his records?" Lily looked horrified.

"Of course not, what do you take me for?" Natalie replied causing Lily to raise her eye brows... "Yeah okay admittedly I did check Kyle's, but you have to admit that guy was a creep"

"Yeah okay I'll give you that one, but please don't check Ryan's" Lily pleaded.

"Lil she won't need to, Ryan's whole life is on Wikipedia for the whole world to see" Anna laughed "Hey who's ready for another drink?"

"Yeah come on I'll help you, I think Liam wants a word" Lily drew Natalie's attention to Liam the waiter who was standing behind her.

"Does Natalie seem okay to you?" Lily asked Anna as they walked towards the bar "Yeah I think so, it's not her I'm worried about though Lil. You're not yourself, what's going on? And don't say nothing I know you remember?"

"Alright" Lily frowned "Okay...The police came to see me today. They had to let Blake go"

Anna was horrified "WHAT? FOR CHRIST SAKE WHAT'S IT GOING TO TAKE...?" she yelled "What did Ryan say? You have told him right?"

Lily couldn't speak she just looked down "Oh Lily you need to tell him, he needs to know that loonatic is still out there"

"I know" Lily sighed I just wish I knew how. Lily was surprised to feel someone bang into her.

"You're the girl Ryan Tedder tweeted about yesterday" The young blonde haired girl snarled "You're not that special" she sniggered.

"Excuse me" Anna quickly jumped to Lily's defence "Who the hell are you to talk?"

"Anna it's okay, it's fine I don't care what she thinks of me" Lily reassured Anna and turned back to the girl "Yeah your right, I am the woman from the picture so what of it?"

"It won't last" the girl sniggered confidently "You're just a phase for now, he'll get bored"

"Well thank you very much for your opinion, I'll add it to the pile with the others" Lily replied smugly "Now if you don't mind my friend and I would like to get some drinks"

The girl had been left speechless as she turned and walked away from Lily and Anna "Jesus Lily where the hell did that come from?" Lily had always been so quiet and laid back when it came to confrontations.

"God knows" Lily stood in front of the bar and put her purse on it "I just know I am sick to death of people thinking I actually give a shit about their opinions"

"Wow" Anna was stunned by the change in her friend "Oh yeah 3 beers please" she asked as a barman approached her.


The night was coming to an end, the music was slowing down a nd the crowds of people had started to clear out "I still can't believe you guys are dating members from a band, I want to join the club" Natalie sulked "Is anyone else single?"

Anna shook her head "Sorry Nat" Natalie pretend to sulk "Hey don't forget you have Liam now" Anna added with a cheeky smile.

Lily had taken herself to the toilets, she was surprised to be greeted by a man on her way out "Oh shit" she gasped as his presence made her jump "Sorry I wasn't expecting to see anyone standing there..." Lily quickly apologised for her reaction.

"It's okay, I didn't mean to make you jump" The guy smiled "Listen this I going to sound really cheesy, but I have been watching you for most of tonight and I have to admit...I think you are very beautiful"

"Oh thank you" Lily blushed a little "It's so nice of you to say so, but I'm afraid I have a boyfriend"

"I thought as much" the man grinned "He's a very lucky man" Lily was so lost in the man's compliment she didn't see him skip something in her drink...Lily lifted her glass of soda from the table outside the toilets and brought it to her lips. She was about to take a sip, when a tall dark haired stranger interupted.

"Hey don't drink it, he's put something in your drink" the guy seemed genuinely concerned for Lily.

"What?" Lily looked a mixture of confused, worried and disgusted "Is that true, did you just spike my drink?" Anna quickly returned to Lily's side.

"What happened?" Anna wandered.

"He put something in my drink" Lily repeated what the other guy had told her.

"He what?" Anna was shocked "Oh my god, why would you do something like that?" The guy didn't answer he just turned quickly and rushed away. Lily followed him "Lily wait, Lily" Anna called after her but she couldn't follow her, there was a crowd of people trying to get into the bar and Anna could pass them.

"Hey, don't walk away from me" Lily rushed after the guy who had spiked her drink "Why did you do that? I'm talking to you...hey" she grabbed his arm and made him turn around.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to...he made me" the man stuttered.

"Who made you?" She was even more confused now.

"Hello Lily" familiar voice spoke from behind her. Suddenly Lily realised how stupid she had been following this stranger outside. As she turned round her fears were confirmed, standing there with a smug expression on his face was Blake...he was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a black jacket. Lily froze to the spot as she looked around her and saw she had followed the other guy into a dark secluded alley way, her heart was pounding in her chest as Blake moved towards her "You look so beautiful" Lily turned her head away from Blake's hand as he tried to move some of her hair away from her face.

Lily's eyes searched round her desperate to catch sight of someone but she was completely alone with him "You look cold" Blake whispered as he pulled Lily's jacket together, he ran his thumb down her chest "Don't worry I won't hurt you sweetheart" he smiled as he moved his hand down her stomach and rested it on her hip, he pulled her closer to him and sniffed her hair deeply.

"Please don't" Lily managed a she swallowed hard, she could feel her legs trembling as Blake's hand started to lift her dress. He had her backed against a wall now.

"SHHH" Blake moved his free hand to Lily's face and brushed his finger across her lip to silence her, she let out a gasp when she felt Blake's hand where it shouldn't be. The strength of his body was being used to trap her against the wall...she couldn't move and the lump in her throat made it impossible for her to scream out...Lily was paralysed to the spot, she felt the tears fall down her cheeks as Blake's hand moved inside her underwear...

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