"Baaaaabbbeeee cmon you know I hate when you gimme the silent treatment" he said laying his head on my lap, I looked down at him and poked his cheek then went back to my phone.

"I wasn't giving you the silent treatment if I was I wouldn't have spoken to you downstairs smartness" I said peeking down at him.

"So why you ignoring me?" He asked poking my sides.

"I'm not ignoring you August"

"See there you go using my full name, what I do that made you mad?" He asked, I looked at him and giggled this man right here is truly something else.

"Come on sit up" I said locking my phone, he sat up and I climbed into his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Now what cause I know you ain't make me sit up for nothing"

"Maybe I did maybe I didn't, remember a while back when I said I wanted to get a tattoo?" I ask him.

"Yeah I remember. What about it?" He asks as he falls back on the bed causing me to fall on him.

"Well I wanna get the kids names. Going down my spine, in Greek letters." I say gripping him tight.

"Well, we can do that but first.." He says sliding his hands into my pants and squeezing my ass.

"August the kids..."

"Are fast asleep. They my kids, they aren't waking up until tomorrow. Besides, I miss you..." He says kissing me.

"I miss you too..." I break into a moan.

Next Day

"August, bruh, what's good with the big ass hole in the wall?" Ace says.

"I think I know, him and the Mrs. Got a little busy." Chris says.

"Damn August so what happened?" Kirko asks. "You gotta explain the hole." He adds

"Well I'm not the type to kiss and tell." I say grabbing a Gatorade from the fridge.

"Oh please, we tell you about our crazy nights." Kirko says.

"And? What that got to do with anything?" I ask .

"Nothing, just, come on, got me thinking you murdered my bestfriend." Chris says jokingly.

"I didn't murder my wife, things just got a little wild..." I stop talking the moment Cat comes downstairs.

She looks at me then looks around and smiles. She goes into the fridge and grab ice cream, then chocolate syrup. She grabs the caramel and whipped cream. I bite my lip and shake my head. I look at the guys and they look at me then at her.

"Ummm, hey Cat." Chris says.

"Hey guys what's up. Why ya so quiet. Don't mind me I'm just making me a bowl of ice cream. Baby you want some?" She asks me.

"Yeah sure." I say walking over and standing behind her.

"Okay, being how quiet it is, and how awkward it is, you guys are discussing the hole in the wall, right?" She says.

They all nod. She nods then starts making me and her some ice cream.

"Ok baby, you have permission to tell them. But first, you guys might want to like not sit on that couch. Nor the recliner or bean bag." She says laughing.

They immediately jump up and look at me. I shrug then push up against Cat lightly. She bites her lip then shakes her head.

"Aii, I will tell ya the story, but after I tell ya, ya gotta go. We can play poker and all that another time." I say holding Cat's hips.

"Ok so basically. It has been awhile since we had sex. You know we have the kids, work, and the kids and their schools. So when we got the chance, boy did we tear it up." Cat says licking some caramel from off her finger.

"Now the first thing was we actually started upstairs. In our bedroom, but then she was getting a little too loud, I was actually worried that the kids were going to wake up. So I carried her down here. I closed and locked the door and she started getting freaky." I say as Cat elbows me in my side lightly.

"I was turned on, so I pushed him on the floor, I got on top and rode him as fast as I possibly could. Trying my hardest not to be too loud, which didn't last long because he rode us over until he was on top and he began pounding and rotating away." Cat says.

I chuckle and shake my head. "Only because she was controlling too much. She started scratching me up and biting my shoulders and neck. I just kept going deeper and deeper, and harder, causing her to actually squirt, which if my memory serves me correctly, she's never done that before. So her doing that, made me a little curious." I say eating some ice cream.

"More like a lot curious. He picked me up from off the floor and I wrapped my legs and arms around him cause I had a feeling he was going to make it his goal that I squirted all night. His energy was through the roof. He put me on the wall and I bit him a little bit to hard cause he might have been a little too deep. He jerked his top half away and his bottom half fully pushed in, causing me to jerk back, hard and put the whole in the wall." Cat says finishing the story for the hole in the wall.

"Ya some freaks." Kirko says.

"Best friend, I ain't know you get down like that." Chris says looking at Cat.

"I have nothing to say." Ace says chuckling.

"Ok good, now that ya know, it's time to get out because I want to cuddle with my baby and watch movies." Cat says pointing to the door.

"Yeah we love you too Cat." Ace says.

"I will talk to you later bestfriend." Chris says and Cat goes to walk over to him but I stop her.

"I got a hard on." I whisper into her ear.

She nods then looks at Chris and smiles. "Best friend I will call you. Actually tomorrow let's have lunch." She says.

"Sounds cool, I'm down with it." Chris says walking out.

As they leave I pick Cat up and put her on the counter and start kissing down her neck. She smiles and giggles. She wraps her legs around me and pulls me in. Round 2, here we come.

Okay a big thanks to my sister for writing this for me cause I was literally about to delete this entire book because of how bad my writers block got, I mean I love you guys but this is hard work and I have 2 other books I need to work on so bare with me here on this.

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