Chapter Twenty - Divorce is a Tough Subject

Começar do início

I gave Ace a call to see if he could come talk.

"Hey Cam, what's up?" Ace asked, taking a seat beside me.

"M-my mum," I sobbed.

"What happened?"

"She had an affair," I whispered, crying.

"Oh, my gosh, Cam I am so sorry."

"Was my dad not enough for her? Why did she have to do such a thing to him? She's such a terrible person! I never want to talk to her again!"

"Cam, calm down," Ace whispered, holding my hand.

"I can't calm down! My mum cheated on my dad multiple times. She hasn't even told any of the other kids yet! And she's moving out for a little while. I'm glad; I hope I never have to see that woman again."

"Camilla," Ace tried to calm me down again.

"Ace, this isn't fair!" I interrupted. "Why would my mum even think of doing such a thing? My dad treats her so well and she doesn't give a crap about how he feels."

"I'm so sorry Cam, but there's really nothing you can do to fix what has already happened." Ace sympathized. "Just pray, alright? I'll be praying for your family Camilla."

"Thanks Ace." I sighed. "I'm sorry for reacting like this."

"You have the right to be angry, but think about forgiving eventually."

Ace and I continued to talk about school and stuff. My whole family entered the room and they all sat down around my bed. I asked Ace to stay because I knew what was going to happen next.

"So, guys," My mum started. "I need to talk to you all about something," she whispered.

"What is it?" Fletcher asked.

"Well, uh, I did something horrible, that I am nowhere near proud of. Something that hurt your father very much... I cheated on your dad." She spoke, as I swallowed a giant lump in my throat.

My dad just sat there awkwardly, not making eye contact with anyone, looking down at his hands.

That's when everyone started freaking out. Gwen started yelling at my mum, while Luke just sat there shocked. All the other kids were sort of confused as to what this meant, and what would be happening next.

"Okay," my dad spoke up. "We need to all calm down now." Once everyone stopped yelling at mum, he continued. "Your mother and I have talked about this a lot. We've decided that your mother will be purchasing an apartment and living there for a few months, just until things get figured out. We are leaving the decision up to you guys whether you want to go with mum or stay with me. Your mother can only take two kids. You have a few days to decide." My dad whispered.

"I just want to let you all know that I know I've done wrong. I don't expect any forgiveness at this point. And girls, I know I've set a poor example as to what a godly marriage should look like and how a wife is supposed to act. Please don't look up to me for this. All I want for you kids to do is to not give up on me and your father. Things might work out." My mum sighed.

After that, Luke and Gwen stayed around to visit. Ace was still beside me and we all talked for a little while.

"Did you guys know about this before today?" I asked.

"No," Gwen and Luke both answered. "Did you?" Luke asked.

"Mum just told me before this conversation. How are you guys feeling about this?"

"I'm just really confused. But I do have different feelings about mum and dad now. I've kind of lost a lot of respect for mum." Gwen sighed.

"Yeah, me too, I wish this didn't happen." I sighed.

Our Own WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora