|27| Wake up

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"Okay Justin, how about you sing a song that you like. Then we'll go from there." Scooter suggested. I nod my head and firmly gripped the mic. Ariana sat in a chair watching and I heard her tummy grumble from the recording room. "Hold on scoot." I said pulling out a $10 bill. "Baby, go find a vending machine. You need to eat." I smiled. She blushed and quickly walked out of the room. I chuckled and went back to the mic. "How many weeks is she?" Scooter asked before I started. "I, uh. 3. How did you know?" I stuttered. "You can tell. I have kids too. You know, Justin, if she wants to sing, she might want to keep that a secret. The media these days are rough." Scooter explained. I nod and looked at the door, expecting Ariana to come back with her snack by now. "Scooter, where's the vending machine?" I asked. "It's down the hall, down the stairs, on the right." He explained. I shook my head and just queued the music.

I finished singing the song "break your heart" and Ariana still hadn't returned. "Scooter can I g-SOMEONE call 911!!" I heard a woman's voice interrupt mine from outside in the hall. I dropped my mic and sprint out the door only to find People gathering by the stairwell. Blood. I see blood. I pushed through people and screamed when I saw Ariana lying helpless on the bottom of the stairs. "ARI!" I cried, running down to her. She was lying flat on her stomach and blood was everywhere. "No. No no no." I whimpered. Please god, no. this can't be happening. A bunch of paramedics sprint over and pushed me away. "That's my wife! My pregnant wife!" I screamed at them. "I don't think she's pregnant anymore." I heard one paramedic whisper. "The fuck did you just say?" I asked balling my fist. "Dude relax. It's gonna be okay." He lied. "Don't fucking tell me to relax! It's not okay!" I cried. Ariana was placed on a cot and I followed everyone out to the ambulance. "Sir, we suggest that you go home. She's lost a lot of blood, and needs surgery immediately." The nurse explained. I grabbed my head and felt tears sting my eyes. What if my baby doesn't make it?


I crashed on to my bed and sobbed my eyes out. I know this isn't manly, but I can't help it! "Pleaseee God, please I need her." I cried. I've never sobbed so hard in my life, ever. I heard the phone ring and I jolted up at once to get it. "HELLO!" I screamed into the phone. "Sir, Ariana just finished up with her surgery. I'm sorry to say this, but two of the babies died. Ariana is also in a small coma that could fatally progress if not treated carefully. You may come visit now if you'd like." The doctor explained. I tried to speak but nothing came out. I hung up and grabbed my jacket, not even locking my door as I left.

I soon arrived at the hospital and I ran into Ariana's room. She had a mask covering her beautiful lips, and tubes and wires connected throughout her body. Her gorgeously tanned skin was a bit paler and was bruised head down. I saw that her stomach had gone back to a normal, flatter size and that her face still had some blood marks on it. I covered my mouth and slowly walked over, sitting down on a chair beside her so I could be with her. "Baby, I know a lot happened to you today, but you have to wake up. Please, for me, and for Jace and Jen, and this baby." I whispered, carefully rubbing her belly back and fourth. She didn't move or breathe, and so I closed my eyes and held her hand.


Where the fuck am I now?

Oh shit. My stomach hurts. And my head, and ow, my left leg.

I tried moving but the more I did, the more pain I felt. I heard mumbling in my left ear and I could sense a hand holding mine. I tried to grip the hand, but couldn't. Why can't I see, or hear, or even feel! I could make out the mumbling to be Justin's and sighed. "Justin baby! You're mumbling a lot." I giggled. I heard Justin's soft voice fade and his hand starting to leave mine. "No! Don't leave! Wait baby!" I tried to cry out. I squeezed and squeezed my hand until finally I felt it grip Justin's hand back. "Ariana!" He cried. I felt him kiss my forehead and I smiled. "Do it again baby. Squeeze my hand again." He asked. I put all my effort into s final squeeze of his hand and he cried out in joy. "You're okay! Baby wake up! Come on, you can do it!" He cried to me. "No I can't Justin." I whispered sadly. "Come on baby! Nurse, she squeezed my Hand!" Justin screamed. I heard other voices and I slowly faded myself into the bright white light.


"That's a sign that she's doing okay Justin! Now try to get her to squeeze something else. Maybe even something personal." She winked, I scrunched up my face and raised a brow. My penis, what the heck? The doctor left and I figured it was worth it- if it made her wake up. I unzipped my pants and pulled out my friend. I then grabbed Ariana's hand and placed it on me. "Baby, can you give me another squeeze?" I blushed. I felt her hand slowly move, but it barely did anything. "Come on baby, I know you want it," I teased. She slowly squeezed me and I moaned in pleasure. I pulled her hand off and then zipped my pants back up. "Come on Ariana! Wake up!" I begged. Her eyes twitched and slowly opened. "Nurse! Doc! She's awake!" I screamed. Her lips quivered and her heart race increased. "Did I just touch your dick?" She smirked. I smiled and felt a tear slide down my cheek. "Thank you for waking up. Gosh I love you so much Ariana." She smiled and I grabbed her hand. Thank you thank you thank you.

Okay that chapter was kind of weird
But there's only one baby now👌🏼😔

I'll update again this week. Thanks💜

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