|14| fights

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"You can't ignore me forever. I am pregnant with your baby!" I cried out to Justin. I heard him scoff and I groaned in frustration. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a banana off of the shelf. I peeled off the yellow skin and threw it out in the yard, taking a huge bite into the soft flesh and swallowing it in one gulp. I then drank a few gulps of water and sat down. I could hear Justin sighing upstairs. Like he really has good reasons to be mad about this. Suddenly, I felt the urge to pee and I couldn't stand up. Damn pregnancy and the constant having to pee. "Justin! I need you!" I whimpered up to the loft. I heard him groan and I squeezed my eyes shut. Please don't pee yourself, come on Ariana! "Wha-" Justin came down and looked at me. "Are you in labor?" He asked rushing over. "N-no. I just have to p-pee; if I stand up I'll piss myself." Justin lifted me up and ran us outside. I squat behind a bush and let it all out at once. Justin gasped and must've been shocked at how much I could pee. "You're so weird." He chuckled. "Not me, the baby." I giggled. His smile faded back to a frown and he turned towards the house. "Really? You're still mad? Wow Justin. Sooo mature." I scoffed. "Whatever pee brain." He mumbled. I pout my lip and sat in the grass. He's never going to forgive me. Ever.


I tossed in my sleep and reached out my arm to find Ariana. Oh right, I'm still mad at her. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, adjusting myself to the dim lighting. I turned to the right and saw Ariana sound asleep. I grinned and as I went to lay back down, Ariana shot up. "O-oww." She moaned out. I couldn't see well enough to tell what she was doing. "Ariana? What's wrong?" I asked inching towards her shadowing figure. "J-ustin it HUrts!" She wailed. I put my hand on her stomach and felt massive kicking. "Baby it's kicking, that's all." I said trying to calm her down. "OW! Justin I can't do this!" She cried out. Her arms clung to my shoulders and I hugged her in return. We sat hugging as she sobbed into my neck. "Does it really hurt that much?" I asked as I felt her tummy again. "Yah Justin! And I'm not even giving birth! Jay there's only four months till I do." She cried. "I'll be here for you." I said reassuring her. "No Justin! You don't understand! You keep saying that but you won't! I have to go through a bloody, painful process and you have to stay there and help. That's it. You can't give birth for me! And you don't even know how to deliver a baby!" I sighed as Ariana continued crying in my chest. "Baby, you need to get some rest, okay? we'll talk this over in the morning."I whispered, lying us both down. She nod and wrapped her arm around my torso. With that we both fell asleep- wrapped in each other's arms.

-next day-

"Oh my god!" I heard Ari yell. I rubbed my eyes and adjusted to the light peering in from outside. "What is it baby?" I asked turning to Ariana. "I have HUGE stretch marks on my belly." She said sadly. She pushed her shirt back down before I could see and pout. "Let me see." I urged. "It's embarrassing." She said blushing. I removed her hands from her belly and then lifted her shirt back up. She laid back down completely and allowed me to look. "

"Babe, you weigh like, 100 pounds. How could you stretch this much with one little baby?" I asked putting her shirt back on. "That's the thing Justin. What if it's not one baby?" She said sitting back up. I moved back and opened my mouth. More than one? "N-no, no there can't be more than one. I'm pretty sure it's just that you're only 17 and pregnant. That's all." I stuttered. "Yah, you're right. I'm gonna go get something to eat. Wanna come?" She asked. I nod and grabbed her hand to help her up.

~1 week later~

"That's it!" I squealed, slashing a mark on the tree outside of our house. "What is it?" I heard Justin ask. "I'm exactly 5 months today! I've been keeping track on this tree. " I explained as he came over. "We've been here that long!" He groaned. "Well, we've been here for 6 months at least. I wasn't pregnant when we got here." I giggled. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm glad you're not mad at me anymore." I whispered. "I'm not okay with what happened, but you're my girl, I'll let it slide." He smiled. We connected our lips and began to make out. "Let's go find something to eat." Justin suggested. "Let's go." I giggled.

I need help coming up with ideas to write about for the next couple of "months" in the story.
Any suggestions let me know✌🏼️💜
Thanks :)

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