|13| S.O.S

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"Oh my god! Justin!"

I leaned down and stared at Justin's face. It had no expression whatsoever. "Oh my god," I muttered on the verge of tears. I tried getting him to wake up but he wouldn't move. Shit. How far is home from here? I looked around and saw the shore from where we were. "Baby, I have to get you home, okay?" I tried picking him up but was too weak. How the hell am I supposed to do this? Oh my god.... I know a way. "Justin, i have to leave you here for a few minutes, okay baby?" I rubbed his head a little bit and quickly "ran" off towards the mountain. I need to find the guy who kidnapped me.

I found the mountain house minutes later and barged in. The older man looked at me and smirked. When he saw my stomach, his smile faded. "I need you to do something for me." I said eagerly. He moved closer and waited for me to finish. "My boyfriend. He hit his head and I need to move him to our house, but, I can't carry him. Will you help me?" He smirked and came towards me even more. "One condition. I help you, and you please me." I groaned and stomped my foot. "I knew this would be the only way." I muttered. He pulled me towards a table and I sat on it. "You have ten minutes. Please hurry." I begged. He laughed and undressed me. He entered his disgusting dick inside of me and I whimpered at the feeling. His thrusts were hard, sloppy, and painful- everything Justin's aren't.

Once he came, he slid out and panted. I just sat there trying not to cry. "Thank you, Ariana. Now where's the boy?" I had him follow me through the forest until we found Justin lying there. He looked exactly the same as before, only a little paler. "I was only gone for fifteen minutes. My poor baby." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. The guy made sure his head was supported as he picked him up and brought him towards our house. Once we were settled in the loft, he left and Justin and I were alone.

"Baby, please wake up. Please." I said putting my hand on his heart. His heart beat was slow and barely there. I wet a cloth and placed it on his forehead, trying to help reduce the heat from his body. I then took his hand and placed it on my belly, rubbing it for him every couple of seconds. "Please, Justin wake up. This baby needs you. I can't do this on my own, please Justin! I need you." I sat there and started sobbing when I got no reply. Please god, make him wake up. I need him.


I heard buzzing in my left ear and tried moving my hand to stop it. That's weird, I can't move. At all.

I heard sobs that sounded like, wait, those sound like Ariana! "Justin, you need to wake up, please. This baby needs you. Most importantly I need you." I could sense that she was next to me but I had no control over what I was doing. "Don't be sad baby, I'm right here." I tried saying. I heard her sobs grow and grow and I used all my effort to try and move my body. Nothing. "Justin please," I heard Ariana's voice fade. "Ariana? Ariana!" I tried screaming. The hand that was once on her belly was no longer on it. I could sense it.

One, two, three! I tried opening my eyes but I still couldn't see anything. Come on, do this for Ariana. I heard her sobs come back and I stopped to listen. "Justin, I can't go on with out you. Please, wake up, or," she stopped and took my hand again. "I love you so much. I'm sorry." She whimpered. Why's she whimpering? What's she going to do? "Ariana! Stay with me, don't move!" I tried yelling. I sensed that she left my side and I told myself that I had to wake up. One, two, three!

I open my eyes and the white light fades. I see that I'm lying in the loft and Ariana is gone. Shit. "Ariana! Ariana!" I yelled quietly. I got no reply and I started panicking. I got up and ran out of the house to look for her. "Ariana!" I cried as I saw her standing on a large rock. It was one of many inside of the water. "Justin?" She asked almost in shock. "Baby! Don't move, I'm going to come get you." I climbed up the rock and scooped Ariana into my arms. Although she was much heavier than she originally was, I managed to pick her up easily. Once we were safe on the ground, I set her down and looked into her eyes. "You're awake." She said nervously. "I am. What happened?" I asked directing her towards a shady spot in the sand. We sat down and she huffed. "I have to tell you something." I nod, showing her I was ready for what she had to say. "Um, when you fell, I..... Ihadtohavesexwiththemountainguyinordertosaveyou. I'm really really sorry. Justin it was the only way." I widened my eyes in shock and saw tears brim Ariana's eyes. "I'm so sorry." She mumbled. I got up and left her sitting in the sand. "What the FUCK!" I groaned out in frustration. I heard Ariana burst out in sobs behind me but I ignored them. I need to leave this fucking island. Now.

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