|11| baby love me harder

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AN: going by months now so it's easier for me to update. 💜
-1 month later-

It was around 1 in the morning when I heard something stirring in the air. "Justin? Justin wake up." I said nudging his arm. He groaned and stayed asleep. "Baby please!" I said a little louder, adding a whine to my voice. "What baby?" He asked with his eyes still closed. He won't fucking get up. Hmm. "Justin the baby's coming!" I lied, trying to get him to wake up. "What! When! How!" He said jolting up. He grabbed my belly and rubbed it while I laughed. "Jay I'm only 4 months. The baby isn't coming." I said kissing his cheek. "Fuck. Then why'd you wake me up?" He said annoyed. "Listen!" We both walked on to the deck and listened as the sound of a plane coming closer and closer to our island. Justin hopped off the deck and sprint to shore, immediately trying to start a fire. I slowly grudged down the beach and made it to him as The fire became ablaze and smoke filled the air.

We waited and waited, hoping that the plane would see our smoke. "Come on! I can't have a baby out here!" I cried at the sky. As if it heard me, the plane made a u-turn in the sky and head back towards us. It landed in the water and skid its way towards out shore.

Justin picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. We ran over to the plane and a mid aged man walked out. "Was that a signal fire? Or did we land for nothing?" He said rudely. "That was a signal fire Sir." I replied eagerly. "Well, we can't take you back with us now. The planes too small." He said looking at the two of us. "B-but, we don't take up that much room. Please, I'm pregnant." I said giving him puppy eyes. "There's a weight limit for my plane and it's already exceeding. I'll send another plane out here once I get back. As for now, here's some food and water." He handed us a crate of goods and started walking back to his plane. "How long will it take for a plane to get out here, sir?" I asked on the verge of crying. We were so close to freedom, yet so far. "Well, I'd say a couple of months. They can't just send planes out. Plus you guys look alright. I gotta go now." I squeezed Justin's hand and he squeezed mine back. What the actual fuck- who does that! The plane took off and I broke down in tears. "Justin, it's not fair!" I cried out. "I'm going to murder that man." He said gritting his teeth. We sat in dark and watched the waves crash on to the shore. I soon grew tired and fall asleep in Justin's lap.


I awoke with an angry temper. Ariana stirred in her sleep and I stroked my fingers through her hair. She stopped and her soft snores filled my ears. "Man, am I going to hurt that stupid pilot." I groaned. Ariana sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily. "Babe, are you still going on about last night?" She mumbled. "Yah. He left our asses on this fucking island. I don't know about you Ari, but I don't want to be here anymore." She kissed my cheek and nibbled on my neck, leaving a red mark on my skin. "Baby," I groaned. "Shhh. Relax." She said starting to pull off my shirt. Her fingers traced my abs and she giggled when she saw my friend go hard. "You're such a tease." I said chuckling. She smirked and moved down to my pants. Pulling them off, I positioned us in a more comfortable position and allowed her to remove my boxers. "Mm, baby you're so hard." She whispered seductively. Her hands gripped my length and started pumping back and fourth. "Oh fuck Ariana." I moaned, feeling extremely pleasured by my girl. "Does Justin like this? Should I go faster?" She teased. "F-faster baby." I grunted, feeling myself nearing my high. "Oh god yes." I groaned as I released everywhere. Ariana giggled and cleaned me off.

"You're turn." I said pushing her back on to the sand. "Baby, you don't have to." She insisted. I ignored her and pulled off her shirt and shorts. Her belly hung out and I placed my hands on it. "How many months are you again?" I asked rubbing her. "Only 4 months." She said sitting up. "I know. I feel huge, I don't get it." Ari added. "Maybe we'll have a big baby." I said lying her back down and kissing her. She moaned and I immediately became as turned on as I was before. "I wanna try something new." I told Ariana. She nod and closed her eyes, allowing me to go on with my movements. I spread her legs out carefully and started rubbing on her clit. She moaned and I stopped. "Go on your hands and knees." I ordered while grinning. She gulped and did as I said. I stuck my friend into her and she groaned out in delight. "A-nal, j-ustin really?" She stuttered. I picked up my pace and squeezed her boobs as we went. I pulled out and flipped her back over, sticking back in immediately. "Oh fuck Justin. Don't stop, p-lease!" She cried. "Say my name louder." I said between a grunt. "Justin, fucking, BIEBER!" I felt myself release inside of her as she closed around me and did the same. "Oh my god Justin. Sex with you never gets old." Ariana panted beside me. "Right back at you baby girl." I connected our lips once more and we sat in the sand for the next hour cuddling.


"Baby, we should make a farm." I suggested as we sat inside the loft. It was pouring outside, so we were bored to death. "That sounds like a good idea. We need more food. Where would we get seeds though?" Justin said stroking my arm. "We could explore the island some more. How about tomorrow?" I asked. He nod and pulled me closer to him. "We'll venture out tomorrow for a couple of days and See what we can find." I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Sounds like a plan."


Sorry for not updating...
I was in Maine for a week and have also been helping out with my grandparents.
School starts Monday 😩
That means I'll most likely be able to update three times a week at most, depending on the day.
I'll try to update again tonight.💕
Let me know any suggestions you have for the story. I keep getting stuck in some areas. 😂😁k

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