|16| When the time comes

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I awoke with the sun shining on to me and my belly bulging out like crazy. How the hell did my stomach grow this much over night!! I rubbed my eyes and then nudged Justin. He groaned and then looked at me. "Morning cutie." He grinned. I smiled and replied "morning jay. Did you think of any names for the baby?" He tapped his finger on his chin and sat up. "Well, for a boy I was thinking either Harry or Jace, and for a girl either Katherine or lily." I nod and thought about his ideas. "Well, I had Scarlett and Jennifer for a girl, and Noah and Julian for a boy." I suggested. "I really like Jennifer." He said smiling. "And I really like Jace." I giggled. "So how about Jennifer for a girl and jace for a boy?" Justin asked. "That sounds perfect. I can't wait to see if it's Jen or jace." I said kissing Justin on the cheek. He pulled me in for a deeper kiss and I gladly accepted it. "Let's go have breakfast. This baby is hungry."



Ariana was down by the shore collecting shells while I was in the woods finding firewood. I picked up a few logs and carried them under my arm. As I reached down to pick up a third log, I heard a high pitched scream that sounded like Ariana. "Ariana?" I screamed out towards the house. I got no reply and I stood waiting for an answer. "J-Justin! H-elp!" Ariana finally screamed back. I dropped the logs and they fell on to my foot, causing me too groan out in pain. I stumbled my way to the shore and saw Ariana Sitting down with her hands clutching her stomach. "Baby! What's wrong!" I said wrapping my hands on to her. She wailed her lungs out and clenched her teeth. "Oh thank god." She said breathing in and out. "Was that another Braxton hicks?" I asked hopefully. "No. That was real Justin." She said lying back. I dropped my jaw and widened my eyes. "Right now?" I asked in shock. "Y-yes Justin. That was definitely a contraction. Now help me." She said tearing up. "Baby don't cry. I'm here for you. Focus on me, not the baby." I whispered. She nod and I began to undress her. I spread her legs apart and covered it with her shirt so she couldn't see. "Justin, I c-can't give birth till I'm t-ten centimeters." She moaned out heavily. "What does that mean?" I asked extremely confused. "Till I'm d-dialated. I'll b-be in labor for p-probably two hours at l-least." She said as a tear crawled down her cheek. Two more hours? At least! "Oh, um. Right." I mumbled. "Justin another one." Ariana said sitting up. I reached for her hand and she screamed out in pain. My hand turned purple from the force she put on to it. "S-sorry." She said exhaling. "It's fine baby. You do what you have to do." I whispered. She nod and let another tear slide down her cheek. "Please don't cry." I begged. "But it hurts so much." She whimpered. I held her hand in mine and rubbed her belly softly, counting in my head how far apart each contraction was. I could tell another contraction was coming by the look on Ariana's face and I helped her sit up. "Ow, ow, ow, owwwww." She moaned. More tears streamed down her face and I rubbed them off with my free hand. Ariana was groaning and I couldn't do much of anything to help. Finally the contraction stopped and she could lie back down and breathe. "Holy SHIT!" She screamed as she jolted forward. "What is it baby?" I asked worried. "My w-water broke." I looked down and saw a pool of water quickly soak in to the sand. "Oh shit. What does that mean?" I asked. "That its coming soon jay." She yelled. I looked down and saw that she was definitely dilated. "Babe you're really dilated." I said looking at her. "Should I push then?" She asked, her voice cracking. "I, I don't know." I stuttered. She started whimpering in pain as another contraction came. "Justin I have to PUSH!" She cried. I went in the front of her so I could see and held both of her hands. "Next contraction, push as hard as you can, okay?" I asked as she nod. She squeezed her eyes shut and pushed with all her might. Her tiny body started shaking and I wanted to cry. I started to see a head peek out and I felt nauseous. "Oh shit Ariana, I'm gonna puke." I said getting up and running a few feet away. She screamed as I puked into the water. "J-Justin please!" Ari cried out. "Look, how about we try another position for you so I don't have to directly see the process." I suggested. Ariana gave me a stern look but didn't reply. Instead she kept pushing her little heart out. I went behind her and hooked my arms under hers. I then brought her up so she was standing and she screamed in pain. "Justin this hurts, even, m-more!" She moaned. "Just try." I said firming my grip. I felt her pushing and I encouraged her to keep going. I softly let her back down and saw that the head was so close to being out. "Baby one more." I said softly. She nod and sweat started dripping down her cheeks. "1, 2, 3!" I screamed. She squeezed her whole face shut and pushed. Finally the head popped out and she breathed out in relief. "Just pull it out." She pleaded. "Can I even do that?" I asked unsure. "I think. I don't care just get it OUT!" She said starting to cry. I stuck my hands on to it and groaned in disgust. "I'm never gonna be a doctor." I mumbled. I started pulling at the small body and felt Ariana pushing. "Push a little more Ari." I asked. She screamed and with that, the baby was out. "Oh my god! I did it!" She said in relief. "You sure did baby." I said holding up a baby boy. I found a sharp shell and cut the cord, causing him to start crying. "Welcome, Jace Bieber." I said proudly. I handed him over to Ariana and took off my shirt. I then wrapped him inside of it so he'd stay warm. Ariana started crying and I smiled. "J-Justin." She moaned. "What?" I asked confused. "Take him! It hurtss!" I looked down and saw the beginning of a new head coming out. "A-Ari there's a-another." I gasped. "Another what?" She asked breathing heavily. "Another Baby."

So she finally had the baby...
But only one of them.
Thank you all for commenting names before. It helped me a lot haha.
Sorry if I didn't use yours...
In the future I may though💜

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