|3| Island Troubles

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"Bulls eye." I shout as I struck a wild pig with a handmade arrowhead spear. Ariana scoffed at my so called 'animal abuse' and I just chuckled,grabbing the small pig by the tail and bringing it towards our cave. "you are a criminal." Ari pout. "oh yah, what you gonna do about it?" I said smirking. she kicked my leg extremely hard and I fell to the ground. "shit I didn't mean to do that." Ari said rushing over to my side. "mmhmm. well I forgive you.as long as you promise to feed that skinny body of yours some meat." I said showing off the pig. "ew gross!" She squealed. I threw the pig on to the fire pit that I learned how to build and brought it ablaze.

Once we finished our meal, we went over to where I left shells to catch rainwater from and we drank. Ariana quickly rushed behind the bush where we designated the bathroom to pee and demanded I didn't look. she did her business and then tackled me to the floor with laughter. "I never thought that I could be happy in this place- but it's so free and fun that I can't find a reason not to like it." she cried. I smiled and laid on the ground while she sat on my chest. we looked into each other's eyes and she smiled. "god, you're so gorgeous Ariana." I moaned."pff, please, I'm filthy!" She argued. "no ones too dirty for the biebs." I chuckled. I pulled her in close and it was so passionate that I thought we'd swallow each other up. "can I try something?" I asked feeling extremely horny. "um, ok?" Ari giggled. I took her off of me and sat her down on the ground. I spread her legs apart and then slid down her shorts. "Jay... I'm not ready." she confessed. "don't worry, that's not what I'm going to do." I mumbled. I took off her underwear and licked my lips. she blushed and I smiled harder.

"Close your eyes." I demanded. without questioning, Ari did as I said and squeezed her eyes shut. I carefully took my index finger and slid it inside of her. she gasped and I smiled. "just enjoy baby." I grinned. "oh, oh god Justin." she moaned. I started pumping my finger faster and harder. She arched her back and I felt her closing on to my finger. "release baby." I said eagerly. "oh my god!" She cried as she came all over me. "that felt, so good." she said between breaths. "Your turn." she demanded. "Ari, you don't have to if you don't want." I assured her. "But I want to." she smirked. I unzipped my pants and Ari slid down my boxers. her eyes widened at the size of my dick and biting her lip, she started to suck it. "ohhh, my, fuckkk." I moaned. "you like that baby? Hmm? Do I make you feel good?" She smiled as I moaned. "yes baby." I cried. soon I came and she licked me dry. I let out a sigh of satisfaction and we both lay next to each other on the sand. the sunset began to appear and the stars came out. "I can't think of a better stress relieving place than here." I whispered. "I agree. it's just so peaceful, Jay. I love it here." she grinned. the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore caused Ari to fall into a deep sleep. I carried her back to the cave and settled us both in for the night. "goodnight Ari, I lo-," I paused. "I like you a lot."


"Mmm Jay, keep going." I moaned in my sleep. feeling Justin's hands roaming across my body made me so wet and I loved it. I opened my eyes and screamed,seeing that what I thought was Justin was a huge snake. "JUSTIN!" I screeched.he jolted up and looked at me. "holy fuck!" He shout as he hit the snake with a rock. as the snake was impaled, so was my body. however, the snakes front fangs were the ones to impale me and not the rock. "ouchhh!" I Groaned. "Baby where'd it bite you?" Justin said as he threw the snake out of the cave. "r-right he-ere-e." I said pointing to my inner thigh. Justin poked it and I cringed. "ah shit it hurts." I wailed. "ah fuck,what do I do?" Justin kept repeating. as he did, the bite turned more into a purple, throbbing lump. Justin massaged around it to try and reduce the swelling and his movements made me feel extremely wet. "Damn girl, for someone who's not ready to have sex,you sure seem ready." Justin chuckled. "ow! Justin just keep massaging." I moaned.

The bite started to make me feel nauseous and light headed. "oh my god, I'm gonna. I'm gonna-" I cried as I puked all beside me. Justin scoffed but then covered it up with some leaves. "I t-t-think t-that s-snake w-w-was poisonous-" I choked as the world around me became black.

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