|25| feeling tripled

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"Wait, again? How? Wha-, how baby?" I stuttered. Ariana gave me a "duh" look and I sighed. "Well baby, that's great news." I said forging a smile. I really don't want another baby. Not now, at least. "Justin, you're not happy." She groaned, taking her headphones and placing them inside her ears. "I'm just shocked, that's all." I muttered. I held Ariana's hand in mine as we continued to fly to Los Angeles. I tried to focus on my music and the career that could be starting, but all I could think about was the new baby growing inside of Ariana's stomach. I reached out my hand and placed it on her belly, startling her. She gasped and then breathed out when she saw it was only me. "Don't scare me like that." She whispered, trying to fall back asleep. I laughed and faced my screen again.

Finally. We were in Los Angeles.

I grabbed both my bag and Ariana's from baggage claim and walked out the main entrance of the airport. "Jay, where's our hotel?" Ariana asked sleepily. "It's all the way in Santa Monica. The Loews hotel. I thought it'd be nice to stay there before I go to the meeting." I said happily. Ariana grinned and linked her arm with mine. (Fun fact, I stayed at the Loews in SM, CA in April😝)

We pulled up at the hotel and Ariana jumped out of the cab. "Careful cutie. You're pregnant, we don't need more trouble." I warned. "Trouble? Why is it trouble, Justin?" She replied aggressively. Oh shittt. "I didn't mean it in a bad way, honey." I muttered. "Well it sounded like it." She smirked. I sighed and paid the driver. Play it cool, Justin. Don't get to her. I grabbed Ariana's hand and held it in mine as we entered the large building. The ocean was directly outside of the hotel and the deck was covered with fire pits, a huge pool, and multiple hot tubs. "Man, this will be nice." I whispered. "You bet it will be." Ari giggled.

A hotel bellman came over to us and helped with our bags. "You're in suite 108, with a private deck and access to the hot springs." He explained. Ariana's jaw dropped and she looked at me. "Justin! That's gotta be expensive." She whispered. "Shh. It's for us. Now enjoy, baby girl." I chuckled. We entered our room and both of our eyes widened. "Whoa. This is amazing." I said in awe. "More than that." Ari gasped. I tipped the man and then set our bags by the king bed. "wanna head down to Venice? We can ride bikes there." I suggested. "That sounds fantastic Justin, but-" Ari stopped and held her head. "Baby?- I'm fine." She interrupted. I sat her on the bed and she turned pale. "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked getting no answer. "My head, h-, no. My stomac-, hurts." She panted. She collapsed on to the bed and I immediately ran over to the phone.

"911 what's your emergen- MY FIONCE JUST COLLAPSED AND I THINK SHES PREGNANT PLEASE HELP." I screamed. "Sir, calm down. An ambulance is on its way. Stay on the phone with me sir." The receptionist spoke calmly. "Now, what happened?" She asked. I carefully sat down besides Ariana and stroked her hair. "S-she said she felt sick, and then she fainted." I choked. I wanted this to be a fun get away. Not a nightmare on the beach. "Sir, is she pregnant? Pregnant women tend to need lots of food and water. Especially if they are having multiples. Is she having multiples sir?" She annoyingly asked. "I hope not!" I practically yelled into the phone. I heard the women sigh and tell me that the ambulance had arrived. I hung up and opened the door, making way for multiple paramedics to come through. "Her heart rate is slowing, get her some oxygen." One man said. "Blood sugar is low. Same with her hydration. Get some fluids into her." A woman ordered. I held my head and just watched as multiple people tried to fix my baby girl. "Someone prepare an in-home ultrasound." A nurse demanded. I saw a screen fold out and plugs being stuck into Ariana's skin. A woman squirt gel on to her belly and rubbed it with some sort of stick. Please. Please be okay. She's okay. The baby is ok. It's all okay. "Oh, wow." The nurse said pointing to the screen. Another nurse gasped and a man stared in awe. "Well, is she pregnant?" I asked anxiously. "Oh yes. She's pregnant." She said smiling. "Only one baby right?" I practically begged. "Not one baby. Three." She giggled. I dropped my jaw and stared at Ariana's incautious body. Three, more, babies?


It's all white.

All I see is white. What the fuck.

I moved my eyes around and tried to focus them, but I couldn't see anything. "Baby, baby wake up." I heard the familiar voice of Justin speaking. "I'm right here. I'm awake." I tried to say. I almost gave up when the white turned to a bright light. I fluttered my eyes open and looked around the room. I'm in a hospital? Wires were hooked to my body and fluids were being processed into me. "W-what's going on?" I stuttered. I heard footsteps and Justin ran into the room. "Baby! You're awake!" He screamed. "I am." I giggled. A nurse walked in and we stopped talking. "Well Justin, did you tell her?" She asked. My heart stopped as Justin's face went from happy to disappointed. He kneeled beside me and took my hands into his.

"Baby, um. Im not sure how to tell you this." He began. "I can handle it Jay. Tell me." I begged. I stared into his eyes and he rubbed his hand on my belly. "Right here, this is our baby." He said pointing to the right side of my stomach. I bit my lip and smiled. "And right here, is another baby. Baby B." He said shifting to the left side of my belly. I widened my eyes and covered my mouth. Twins again? "And Ari," Justin said worriedly. He moved his hand to my lower stomach and said "that's baby C. Our third baby."


You guys are gonna hate me for that twist 😂😝but don't worry, I promise it will end up better than it seems.
There WILL BE DRAMA coming up. (As if all of that wasn't enough, lol)

I'll be updating soon hopefully. 💜

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