|6| exploration

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-1 week later-


I wiped the crust from my eyes and looked around the cave for Justin. That's strange, he's always next to me. I got up and felt a sharp pain in my abdominal area, causing me to immediately sit back down. "What the hell?" I breathed out as I clutched my belly. I heard rustling coming from outside and crawled my way over to the entrance of the cavern. "Justin! What the hell are you doing!" I shout at him. Justin was tackling a huge Palm tree leaf as pouring rain pelted his half-naked body. "There's a huge storm coming Ari!" He shout. I managed to stand up and run over to him, grabbing hold of the other side of the leaf and helping bring it back towards the cave. "I wanted to protect you." He blushed. I giggled and secured the leaf so it covered the entrance to our "house."

"Can we get food and water before we make our way in for the next day or two?" I ask as my stomach growls. "Sure cutie. Let's go." Justin said grabbing my hand. We walked through the woods as the rain slowed down. "It'll come back. That wasn't even the storm." Justin explained as I nod. I saw something familiar and ran from Justin's hand, squealing in delight. "Justin Justin Justin!" I screamed jumping up and down. He ran over and smiled. "Your suitcase? How is it all the way out here?" He asked leaning over. "Not sure. But that means that more could be around here. Come on, let's look!" I grabbed my bag as Justin and I searched for surviving items of the wreck.

"Hey Ari, over here!" Justin called from across the pond. "What is it?" I asked walking over. Justin was head first into a cart of- food! "That's the snack and drink cart from the plane!" I squealed in excitement. "Yup! And look, there's tons of water, soda, and chips and cookies." I helped get the cart on to its wheels as the rain slowly started back up."let's make a run for it!" Justin yelled as he started sprinting off. I tried to do the same but my stomach clenched and I fell to the ground. It wasn't until after Justin got to the cave that he noticed, so I just sat there until he came back.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked running over. I sat in the mild rain holding my belly. "I don't know Jay, it just really hurts." I admit. He ran his hands through his hair and then helped me up. "Here, get on my back. I'll get your bag." He offered. I smiled weakly and hopped on to him, decreasing the amount of pain I was in. We made our way back to the cave just in time. The rain pelted the earth behind us as we fell inside.


We opened up Ariana's suitcase and immediately, she told me not to look. "I don't want you seeing all my bras and panties." She giggled. I laughed and then turned back when she said I could. "So, all you have in there is clothing?" I asked disappointed. "Nope. I also have my laptop, some mugs, a card game, French cookies, a pocket knife, some matches, and a newspaper from the trip." I smiled and asked for a cookie. "Hopefully they aren't stale." She said smiling. "Nope. They're delicious. Have one." I demanded. "I'm
Fine. Not that hungry." She said putting them away. "What do you mean you're not hungry? Ari, what's wrong?" She collapsed on the side of the cave and shrugged. "I really don't know, Justin. Just not feeling well." I made my way over to her and sat down. her head leaned on to my shoulder and my hand rubbed circles on her belly. "Thank you." She mumbled before falling asleep. " of course baby. Now rest."

-next day-

I woke up and the whole cave was filled with water. Our stuff floated on top of the filthy liquid and I nudged Ariana to wake up. "Why am I all, wet!" She squealed jumping into my arms. "The caves flooding. We need to get out now." I said sternly. She nod and helped gather items. Because the suitcase is waterproof and the cart somehow could float, we lost nothing valuable to us.

"Jay, I can't walk anymore." Ariana whined. I heard her start to slow down and I turned to see her lean over and puke. "Baby!" I said dropping my stuff and running over to her side. "You need water. And food." I said as she sat down. I grabbed a water bottle, some chips, and cookies, handing them over at once. "I don't need them." She argued hazily. "Yes you do! I'm going to feed you, okay?" She nod and I first gave her some water. The bottle connected to her lips as slow gulps took place. "More." I demanded. She drank till half the bottle was gone and then grabbed a cookie. I made sure she ate the whole thing before we got up and continued to walk. "This area is a better place to live. The ground isn't nearly as flooded." I remarked. Ari nod and continued to follow me. "Look, there's an already built fort. We can live there." I said pointing over to a shack. We ran over and admired it. There was a designated kitchen area, bathroom, and bedroom. When I say bedroom and bathroom, I mean a room with a straw bed and a room with a little hole in the ground. Ari ran over to the bathroom and closed the straw door, leaving me alone in the kitchen. I set down our stuff and went into the bedroom, taking out a few things to make the bed more comfortable. Ariana returned out of the bathroom looking extremely pale. "Did you just-""puke? Yes." She groaned. I lay down in the bed and Ariana joined. Cuddling her closer to me, I whispered goodnight and fell asleep.

So I updated. 😂💜💟
lmk how the story is doing and what should be added. I will update later today possibly if requested. Thank you✌🏼

Lost~JarianaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora