Entry Twenty-Two

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Entry Twenty-Two

Some Answers:

It has been over a week since I last wrote. I have had a lot going on with school and everything, so I have just been really busy. I have not taken the time to sit down and write. It seems crazy... When I read my last entry... Everything that has happened... It seems like so many things have changed and developed since the day I told Brian that my parents did not want me to see him anymore.

Most important is the discussion I had with Layla. It kind of put things in perspective and although it sucks and hurts me, I am glad that we had it out and talked it through.

The rest of last week, I just focused on homework and spent my time after school hanging out with Jess and Jimmy. We worked on our photography during the week and then the three of us got together on the weekend to hang out and go to the movies and stuff. We really have a lot of fun together just hanging and talking.

I know, I know, you want to know what happened with Layla, so here it is!

Layla stopped by my house that Sunday. She just showed up at the door, knocked, and asked if we could take a walk. I promised my mom that I would not fight with her, so she said it was fine.

It was pretty awkward at first; we didn't know how to begin, so since she made the first step by coming to my house, I decided to start the conversation.

"First of all, I just want to say that I am sorry about hitting you. I was really mad, and the things you said upset me, but that did not give me the right to punch you."

"Melissa, I would have done the same thing. I have been so horrible to you, and I feel really badly about that, so I decided to come over and come clean. I have some stuff to tell you that may explain why I have been so mean." Layla looked nervous and kept fidgeting with her hands as we walked.

"Go ahead, Layla. I want to hear what you have to say. I mean, one moment we were friends and the next you acted like I was your enemy!"

"I know, and I am sorry. That is why I am here. We were not very close last year, but I always thought you were cool and liked hanging out with you. Well, over the summer I had a job working at the Dearborn Flower Market. I guess you can't call it a job, since I am not old enough for an actual job, but I really liked it. I helped out in the back, stocking and cleaning up and sometimes they would show me how to make arrangements and stuff. Brian worked there over the summer too. He mostly stocked the coolers and the delivery trucks and stuff - just helping out wherever he was needed.

"We got to know each other really well, and I had a lot of fun working with him... Just talking and hanging out. We never dated and nothing ever happened between us, but I started to really like him. I just loved going to work and getting to know him, and I was really sorry when the summer was ending. I knew that we had to stop working and start school, but I was really hoping that he liked getting to know me as much as I liked getting to know him and that maybe he would want to start dating me or something."

As she talked, I felt this knot start to form in the pit of my stomach, and I had conflicting emotions of understanding and jealousy.

"When we started school again, you and I hit it off right away. I was happy to have a good friend to talk to. But before I could say anything, you talked about how much you liked Brian and that it was your mission to go out with him this year. I know I should have said something right then, but I was surprised to hear that you liked him, and I didn't want to mess up our friendship when I didn't even know if Brian liked me or not. When he asked you out and you guys went on that date, I just kind of lost it! I was so totally jealous, and I wished that it was me going out with him instead of you."

"Layla, I wish you would have said something right away! I liked Brian, but I never would have gone after him like that if I knew that you liked him. I mean, I don't know what I would have done because I do really like him, but I feel badly that you had this history with him and liked him, and I never knew about it," I said, stopping on the sidewalk to look Layla in the eye.

"I wish I would have said something too," she said, "but I wanted to say something now. Not just to apologize for the way I acted and to tell you why I was acting so terribly, but to tell you that I am going to talk to Brian about all of this. I am going to tell him that the things I said about you were lies, and I am going to explain why I was acting like a witch. I am going to tell him how I feel about him, how I have felt about him since the summer, and apologize for my behavior."

As she spoke, I started to feel dread; Brian and I weren't seeing each other anymore since my parents said we could not. He and Layla had a history at the Dearborn Flower Market, and Layla had feelings for him. What if he feels the same way and there is nothing I can do about it?

We made our way back toward my house, walking in silence, both of us thinking about what Layla had just said.

When we got to my house I looked at Layla and said, "I am happy that you told me, Layla, I hated not knowing why you were so mad at me, and I did not understand why you were acting that way. Now, I do understand. I cannot say that I am happy that you like Brian, or that I hope he feels the same way about you because honestly, I don't. I still like him, but my parents don't want me to see him anymore, so we are not seeing each other now. I will say thank you for telling me first and that I do want you both to be happy."

"Thanks, Melissa. You really are great. I am so glad that you let me come over and explain everything to you. I felt really horrible the last few weeks, and I hope someday you can forgive me. I'll see you around."

And with that said, Layla left and I walked back into my house.

After that crazy day, the rest of the week went by pretty slowly. It seemed like I saw Layla everywhere, and I saw Brian everywhere. By the end of the week I saw Brian and Layla everywhere... Together.

I guess she talked to him, and he must have felt the same way about her because they are suddenly inseparable.

I am not going to lie... It totally hurts, and every time I see them together I feel jealous and sad, and I try to get as far away from them as possible. It sucks because I still have feelings for Brian, but I can't expect him to wait for my parents to say it is okay for us to date again (I guess), and if he does like Layla, I shouldn't stand in their way (But, oh, how I want to!).

So, I have been spending my time with Jess and Jimmy. We are like the Three Musketeers all of a sudden... Doing everything together and having a great time.

Things are better at home too. I have made up with Megan over our latest spat, and we have been getting along pretty well. She has been spending her free time with Scott; I guess their friendship is back the way it used to be.

Mom has been pretty sick. She cannot seem to keep anything down, and she looks weak and pale most of the time. This pregnancy seems to be harder on her than the others were. I have been trying to help out by making dinner and helping the kids with homework and stuff.

Things with Dad have not gotten any better. He is finally talking to me, but our relationship isn't what it was. I am hoping that things will change soon. I miss the conversations that we used to have, and it makes me sad to think that I have disappointed him so badly, that he doesn't even want to talk to me about it.

This weekend Jess and Jimmy and I are planning to go to Frankenmuth for the day with Jess's family. I can't wait! I know it is only October, but it is never too early to get in the Christmas spirit! 

Ta Ta for Now!

Ta Ta for Now! (Stories about Melissa Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now