Entry Six

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Entry Six

Saturday Afternoon Regrets:

So, apparently Mikey was watching for me from his window and saw me get out of the car and do my little jumping/screaming dance on the front porch. Being the little creep that he is, he ran downstairs and told everyone.

When I got up this morning everyone was making comments about me: "Missy looks like someone who has been kissed," "Missy and Brian 4 Eva," and my personal favorite, "Missy, Missy, likes to kissy." That last one was being shouted through the house by little-miss "plaid-goes-with -everything" Megan.

I mean, seriously, did a nest of hornets do her hair this morning, or what? Where does she get off making fun of me? She is just jealous that guys think of me as kissable and think of her as someone to shoot hoops with. Whatever!

My parents got into making fun of me too and made little comments all day about how I was glowing and smiling and seemed to be nicer than I normally am on a Saturday morning. I actually got up at 9 on my own because I just couldn't be still any longer. I want to dance and sing and talk to Brian again! Okay, that is corny...but I really want to talk to him.

Then I got this mega evil text from Layla, who is apparently pissed because I did not go with her to the Varsity Football game as planned.

She texted, "Thanks for showing up like you said you would. Apparently sucking face with Brian is more important than sticking to the plan you made with me."

I texted back, "I don't know why you are upset. You were there with me when he asked me out, so you knew I wouldn't be at the game. WTH?"

She replied, "I guess... I just think it is lame that you would pick a guy over your friends."

I texted back, "Yeah, I see your point I'm sorry if you felt that I ditched you, but I was so totally excited that he asked me out! How was the game?"

Layla said, "I get it! I was just mad, but I will get over it. It was alright. How was the date? As epic as you imagined?"

I told her that it was great, and I would see her at school Monday. I guess I understand why she was mad, but she was there when he asked me out, so it shouldn't have been a shocker when I didn't show up at the game. Oh well, I am sure we will work it out on Monday.

I really wanted to look at my phone all day and will it to ring or signal a text. In order not to be a crazy person, I just put it in my room and went out to see what the family was up to.

We ended up all going to walk around at the Henry Ford Mansion. I love going there and taking pictures and sitting by the little waterfall. Mikey loves to just run and run and be the wild animal that he is. Megan will often grab a football and play catch with Dad and Mikey (once Mikey stops running). Mom and Monica walk around and usually end up by the gazebo, dancing around or just lying on the bench. We all kind of intertwine and do different things there together, but it is something that we all really enjoy.

I took some great pictures, and I am thinking of signing up for the photography club at school. I got a perfect one of Mom and Dad swinging Monica with the mansion in the background. Then I got a great action shot of Mikey jumping up to catch the football and one of Megan laughing with Dad. She let me put her hair up in a ponytail before we left, so she looked really cute! It was a really nice day, and when I get home, I had a text from Brian.

It simply said, "I had a nice time last night."

I texted him back, "Me too!"

Then I went out in the backyard because Dad was barbecuing, and everyone was hanging out on the deck.

We have this great deck that Mom and Dad built. It wraps around the whole back of the house. We have a table and chairs and a hammock, which I called dibs on. We often like to eat outside on the weekends.

Now, I am full and happy and ready to just hang out in my PJs and enjoy family movie night in the den. We have popcorn, gummy bears, and red vines - all the makings for a great night of entertainment! I thought I would come in and write really quick before the movie started. We are watching Toy Story, a classic family favorite! 

Ta Ta for Now!

Ta Ta for Now! (Stories about Melissa Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now