Entry Fifteen

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Entry Fifteen

The Dance is Tonight!:

Tonight is the night! Finally! I cannot wait! Jess is going to come over here to get ready, and the guys are going to pick us up here in the limo!!! This is going to be the greatest night ever!

Not much has happened since I wrote on Wednesday. School is the same... Nothing big happened. Last night, I was going to go to the Homecoming game, but I felt like I was getting a cold. I decided to stay home and take some medicine, so that I would not still feel sick today and have my big night ruined. It was a pretty chill night: I just stayed in bed and read the new Katherine Applegate novel. After a while, Mikey came in and stood next to my bed.

"What?" I asked him.

He just looked at me and said, "I think you are being a real jerk to Megan! You are always making fun of her hair and her clothes and you really hurt her feelings! She isn't you! She is never going to want to look like you or act like you. Why can't you just accept her the way she is and quit being so mean?"

He turned and left the room, leaving me feeling guilty and sad.

I just don't understand Megan. I have always wanted to look and feel my best, and I can't understand why she doesn't want the same thing. I guess we are totally different. I will always rather go shopping than play sports, and she is just the opposite. Maybe I am too hard on her, but I am just trying to help her.

I stayed there for a while, just thinking about Megan and what Mikey had said. If he thinks I am being mean, then I must be acting pretty badly!

So, I went to find Megan and talk to her. She was watching TV with Mom in the den, so I asked if I could talk to her privately. When she got up, Mom mouthed for me to "Be nice" and we walked outside to sit on the bench. I apologized for saying mean things about her and explained that I just wanted her to look the best that she can. She said that how she looks just isn't that important to her. She cares about doing things that she loves to do and being with her friends, and she just doesn't think that what clothes she wears or what her clothes look like makes a difference in whether or not she is happy.

We agreed that we are just different and may never see things the same way, but we are sisters and that is more important than anything else! We sat out there talking for a long time and eventually Mom came out and talked with us.

Now, I have to go! Jess just got here, and we are going to start our day of beauty. Time for facials, manis, and pedis. I will write more tomorrow and tell you all about the dance! I am sure it is going to be the greatest night ever! 

Ta Ta for Now!

Ta Ta for Now! (Stories about Melissa Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now