Entry Eighteen

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Entry Eighteen

Back to School:

On Tuesday night, I was still lying in my bed in the same sweats that I had been wearing since Sunday morning (I know, pretty disgusting) .

Mom came in and sat on the bed and said, "Melissa, it is enough now. It is time for you to get your behind out of that bed, take a shower, and come eat a decent meal. Maybe your dad is right, and I let you wallow in your depression for too long, but now I am telling you it is time to get up. You have to go to school tomorrow. I have talked to your teachers, and you are going to have a lot of makeup work to do, but you should be able to get yourself back on track. Now, go take a shower and then meet me in the kitchen."

After she walked out, I sat up and decided that my pity party was over! Yes, I was upset and heartbroken over the way Brian had acted, but I needed to go face him and snap myself out of this funk.

So, I went and took a shower, stripped my bed and put new sheets on, and went out to face my family.

They were all pretty sweet, and Mom had lasagna with garlic bread waiting for me (my favorite). I ate like I hadn't eaten in days (and I hadn't).

I went back to my room and checked my phone. I had four missed calls from Jess and twelve from Brian, but I didn't feel like talking to anyone yet, so I just deleted everything that was on my phone. Then, unbelievably, I went to bed.

Wednesday, when I got to school, Jess was waiting for me. She had left me a few dozen messages over the last few days, and I told her I was sorry that I hadn't called her back. She said that she understood and asked if I was okay. I told her that I was working on it.

She walked me to Algebra class, and I went and sat in my seat. I just kept my head down until the bell rang. I literally felt Brian walk past me, looking at me, but I just wasn't ready to see his face yet. I know that makes me a coward, but I felt like I would cry if I saw him, so I just kept looking at the cover of my book...

I felt sick to my stomach and my teeth were almost chattering; I just felt so nervous and awful. I tried to pay attention in class, but I don't think I succeeded.

After class I went up to get the homework that I had missed from the teacher, hoping everyone would be gone when I finished and I could rush to my next class. No such luck! When I walked out, Brian was waiting for me.

He looked so handsome it made my heart hurt, and when he whispered, "Missy, I need to talk to you." I felt the tears forming at the corners of my eyes.

"Not now, Brian," I said. "I have to get to class."

"Meet me at lunch?" he asked, pleading.

"I can't," I answered.

"Please?" he implored, managing to look worried and hopeful at the same time. I felt myself caving. I really wanted to hear why he acted the way he did, and he just looked so sweet.

"Okay," I said, "I will meet you at lunch."

I drifted through the rest of my morning classes and when I got to lunch, I saw Brian waiting by the door. As I walked toward him, I saw Layla standing by the salad bar, watching my progress. When I got to Brian, he took me to a small table by the back wall.

He looked me in the eyes and said, "First, I want to say how sorry I am about everything that happened at Homecoming! I never should have started drinking in the limo, and I feel so terrible about the way I treated you! Missy, you have to know how much I care about you, and I wish I could go back and change everything. I am sorry that I hurt you with the things I did and said. I kept trying to call you, but you wouldn't answer, and then you didn't come to school. I just wanted a chance to apologize!"

Ta Ta for Now! (Stories about Melissa Book #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ