Entry Four

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Entry Four

After the JV Football Game:

I know, I know, I did not write yesterday, but I actually did have homework. By the time we finished dinner, cleaned up, and I finished all of my homework, I had to shower and get everything ready for school today. Then I ended up talking with Megan for a while, and I was exhausted, so I just went to sleep.

Yesterday was pretty uneventful. I went to school and we actually started doing work, and not as much socializing. BORING! I did get to see Brian in Algebra, and he looked as cute as ever! Had lunch with Layla, where we finalized our plans to go to the JV and Varsity Football games. Took the bus home, yada, yada, yada...

So, like I said, last night I ended up hanging with Megan and talking a bit. I think she is starting to see her best friend Scott as more than just a friend. But, since she is obviously awkward and oblivious when it comes to boys, I thought I would help her out a bit. I told her that the first step would be to get him to stop looking at her like one of the boys. Not to stop playing sports or hanging out with him because that would just make him think there was something wrong, but to start making him see her as a girl. She didn't want to listen at first, but I am the expert when it comes to boys, so she finally came around and saw it my way.

I helped her pick out what to wear to school today (We had to go into my closet, because she had nothing suitable), and we worked on her hair and makeup. I told her that she needs to still act like herself because he already likes her, but she needs to focus on looking more like a girl, so Scott will start to notice that she is one.

It was actually a nice talk, and I went to bed feeling like I really helped Megan do something to improve herself. Of course, when I came home from school today, Megan was sitting at the table looking like a family of birds had built their home in her hair. AAAHHHH! At least she didn't ruin my clothes, although I did have her take them off right away, just in case!

She said at first Scott just looked at her like she was crazy, but when he realized that her personality hadn't changed, just the way she looked, he acted just like he always did. I think if she keeps it up, Scott will fall in love with her before he realizes what hit him!

Enough about Megan, let's talk about my wonderful evening!!! BRIAN ASKED ME OUT!!! I should have probably started from the beginning, but I am too excited not to shout it to the world!!! So, Layla and I got dropped off at the JV Football game by my wonderful mother... We met up with some people from school: Kasey, Joshua, Ellie, Judi, Kristi, and Joe. We all grabbed the top row of the bleachers and sat down to gossip and occasionally watch the game (just being honest).

We cheered for the Pioneers (Brian even started) and made fun of the cheerleaders. Don't get me wrong, some of them are my friends, and the outfits are cute, but I can't see getting out there in front of everyone and being so loud and spirited! Plus, that is just too much commitment! I mean all of the time they have to spend training and practicing, then traveling to competitions and attending every game. That is just too much time that I could be spending making myself as fabulous as possible and hanging with my friends. So, while we were chatting and watching Brian catch passes and run with the ball, Jimmy Rogers came over to share the latest gossip. I try not to listen to a lot of what Jimmy says because he can be pretty mean, but my ears perked up when he looked right at me and said that he heard Brian liked me. What?! Can you say that again, Jimmy?

He said that he heard from Brian's friend, Mo, that Brian thinks I am pretty, and he would like to get to know me better. My face almost cracked, I was smiling so wide! So, needless to say, I was pretty excited for the rest of the game and hearing this bit of news from Jimmy gave me the courage I needed to talk to Brian after the game. Luckily, Layla's mom was picking us up and said she was running late, so I had time to put my plan into action.

When the game ended and the football players finished doing whatever it is they were doing on the field, I made my way down the bleachers and tried to put myself in Brian's eyesight. Brian was walking toward the fence with Mo, talking and laughing about their win, when he looked up and noticed me standing there. He smiled, gave me the head nod, and said something to Mo as he walked toward me.

"Hey, Missy," he said as he got closer. "I didn't know you were coming to the game, did you have fun?"

I smiled up at him and spoke as breathlessly as possible, "Yes, Brian, you guys were great! I cheered so loud when you scored that touchdown!"

"Yeah," he grinned, "I was pretty stoked that our first game went so well!"

Just at that moment I looked over and saw Layla trying to get my attention. Her mom's car was pulling up, so I looked at Brian and told him I had to go. We smiled at each other, and I started walking toward the car. When I got a few feet away, Brian ran up to me and tapped my shoulder.

"Missy," he gasped, "how would you like to go to the movies tomorrow night?"

"I would love to!" I exclaimed, and I gave him my best "Brian" smile, then I ran to the car and hopped into the backseat.

The night went better than I had ever dreamed, and I am so excited about tomorrow. I spent the car ride home gushing with Layla about what to wear, and when I got home I ran in to ask my parents about going out with Brian. Being the fantastic parents that they are, they said YES! Of course the stipulation is that they actually have to meet Brian and his mom (who will be driving), but they said yes! I cannot wait! I don't know how I will ever get to sleep... I am so excited! 

Ta Ta for Now!

Ta Ta for Now! (Stories about Melissa Book #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora