Entry Five

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Entry Five

My Date with Brian:

I feel like I am floating on a cloud... I could not have imagined a better first date. Brian and his mom came by and met my parents. It was short and sweet and not too terribly embarrassing. Then we were on our way. Brian had me sit up front with his mom while she drove us to the theater on the corner of Michigan Avenue and Telegraph Road. We made small talk, and she was actually really nice. She doesn't look like Brian at all; she is small and blonde. I guess he takes after his dad. Anyway, she dropped us off at the movie and told Brian to give her a call when it was over.

We went in to look and see what was playing and what the show times were. I didn't want to look like a total girl and pick a romantic comedy, so I picked the new zombie movie that just came out. I thought it was sweet that he insisted that I choose the movie; I am sure he was worried about what I might pick.

The movie didn't start for another forty-five minutes, so we walked over to the Rally's down the street. Luckily it was a nice night since they only have seating outside, and there were only a couple of other people there. I just got some fries, and he got a combo meal. We sat there and talked about our families and got to know each other. It was really great.

He is one of those only children who talks about how great it would be to live in a family like mine with lots of kids. I told him that he is welcome to come over and see what it is really like anytime!

When we were done, we walked back over to the movie theater to find seats before it got too crowded, but we still ended up in the front row. When the theater got dark and the previews started, Brian reached for my hand and held it THE ENTIRE TIME!!! Normally if you hold hands for too long, you get all sweaty and gross, but because the theater was so cold, we never had that problem. When he laughed at the movie, he had this wonderful deep laugh that made me want to laugh with him. I covered my eyes with my free hand during the particularly gruesome parts, and he laughed at me. When he did, I totally felt like we had this wonderful bond, and we had been together for ages!

He really was just the sweetest guy the whole night, and I was totally bummed when the movie ended. We just sat there through the credits while everyone walked out. I asked him if he was ready to go, and he said that he always watches the credits to see the name of the Best Boy Grip. He said that that guy probably worked really hard and never got any recognition, so he always made sure to watch to see the guy's name in the credits. Totally sweet, right?

We waited for the credits to finish rolling, so we were the only ones left in the theater. In those ten seconds before the ushers came in to start cleaning up, while we were still the only ones there, Brian leaned over and kissed me, oh so softly, on the lips. I melted into the seat and slid to the ground.

No, seriously, I fell right out of my seat when he leaned back from the kiss, it was that amazing!

He laughed his beautiful laugh and pulled me up with the hand that was still grasping mine. He texted his mom to let her know the movie was over, and she texted back that she was already outside. So, we walked out to the car (actually I floated out to the car), and he let me sit in the front with his mom again.

It was a quiet ride home, and when we got back to my house, I said thank you and goodnight, and I walked up to the house. I waited for the car to pull away before I started jumping up and down and squealing! I mean, it would have been totally embarrassing if he had seen that, but it just had to be done before I went inside and was confronted by my family. BEST DATE EVER!!!! 

Ta Ta for Now!

Ta Ta for Now! (Stories about Melissa Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now