Entry Twelve

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Entry Twelve

Saturday Morning:

Okay, I woke up and just had to finish writing about the rest of the week.

So, after Scott was a major jerk on Wednesday, Megan got up on Thursday a new woman. She was going to show Scott just what he was missing. She woke up earlier than usual and came in to ask me to help her do her hair and borrow clothes for the day.

I made her hair all curly and flowy; it looked amazing! I let her borrow a cute sailor top that she wore with her own jeans and a pair of navy Chuck Taylors. She looked totally put together! I don't want to get my hopes up and think that she is going to be this way from now on. I know she will probably look like the Tasmanian Devil tomorrow, but I was happy for this moment. I even took a picture of her that turned out totally mag! She went to school with more confidence than I have ever seen her have - ready to make Scott regret the way he treated her. Mark was going to flip when he saw her!

My Thursday at school was pretty standard - no big events. In photography, Jess and Jimmy kept making goofy faces at each other, but didn't say much.

After school while I was working on my paper, Jess called me and told me that Jimmy had called her and they talked for thirty minutes. She said he was really nice, and they had a good conversation, but she still wasn't sure if she liked him that way or not. I told her just to give him a chance and see where it goes.

As we were hanging up, Megan came in smiling and sat on the bed. She said that she told Mark she knew it was last minute, but if he still wanted to go to the fall dance with her, she would like to go with him. He said that he was still free and would still like to go with her. They decided to meet at the dance at six.

She said that she was excited about going even though she was still upset about Scott, and that she hoped to have a good time. Since the dance was Friday (Yeah, last night!), she asked me to help her figure out what to wear. We spent the rest of the night talking hair, clothes and makeup (my favorite subjects)!

On Friday in photography class, Brian asked me to come into the dark room with him so he could show me the pictures that he had taken at Henry Ford.

He put the first one in the developer, and as it developed it read, "Will you go to Homecoming with me?" I let out a squeal and jumped up and down for a minute (embarrassing, I know), and then gave him a hug exclaiming, "Yes! I would love to!"

It was totally sweet, but, jeez, what took him so long? The dance is next Saturday night! I need to go shopping! What will I wear? How should I wear my hair??? Should I get a clutch or a beaded bag? These are important questions!

When I got home after school, I hung his photo on my mirror, so I could look at it every day!

I helped Megan get ready and off she went to her dance. While she was gone, I went with Mom to Monica's dance class. She looked so cute in her little tutu, fluttering around the studio. She seemed to be having the time of her life, and I really hoped that Megan was having a good time at her dance and that she was actually getting out there and dancing.

When we got home, Dad and Mikey were hanging out in the den watching ESPN. I went in and sat down in front of Dad and motioned for him to rub my shoulders. When Mom came in and sat next to Mikey, I told them that Brian had asked me to Homecoming and asked them if I would be able to go.

They said YES!!!

Mom said we could go shopping on Saturday afternoon, after Megan's soccer game. At nine, Mom left to go pick up Megan and when they got back, Megan looked like she was floating on a cloud. Dad asked how her big date went, and she said it was really nice. She said Mark was a lot nicer than she thought and that they liked a lot of the same things. When she went to her room to get changed, I followed her.

"So, you really liked Mark? Was Scott there?" I asked.

"I really did like him, "she replied, "and yes, Scott was there. I felt him watching me all night, like some stalker, but he never said anything. He went with the guys, and they all said hi to me, and I even danced with a couple of them, but he just watched me without ever coming over or saying anything. It was totally weird. I am so afraid that we will never be able to go back to being friends."

She sat down on the bed and said, "I don't want to think about how weird Scott was being though. Mark was really sweet and he asked if I would date him! Like be his girlfriend and stuff!"

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I told him I would think about it and let him know on Monday; it just seems like it is going so fast!"

"Did you kiss him?" I asked.

"No," she said, "I am not ready for that yet, and he seemed to get that!"

After that, we went back in to the den to hang out. Now, it is Saturday, and I am going to get ready for Megan's game and then go shopping for my Homecoming dress, yay! 

Ta Ta for Now!

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