Entry Nine

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Entry Nine

Saturday with Jess:

The rest of the week was pretty low key. I didn't write because I have just been trying to sort everything out in my head. After what happened with Layla, I was totally embarrassed to go to school and have everyone talking about me and staring at me, but it turned out that I was kind of like the hero of the week.

Jimmy Rogers pulled me aside in the morning and told me not to worry... Everyone was on my side. The general consensus seemed to be that Layla was out of line with the way she treated me, and our friends were giving her the cold shoulder. I didn't have to deal with whispers and stares, Layla did. I would have felt bad for her if she didn't shoot dirty looks my way every time she saw me. I hate confrontation, so I felt sick to my stomach whenever we were in the same room, and I dreaded the ride on the bus, but I guess Layla found another way home because she didn't ride the bus for the rest of the week. I don't have any answers yet about why things changed between us. I am just letting it go for now.

Better news: I'd say that my relationship with Brian has progressed over the week. No, we aren't "boyfriend/girlfriend" or anything, but I noticed that he touches me whenever he gets a chance.

He'll do things like hold my hand or run his hand down my arm. He will even caress my hand under the table during photography while the teacher is going over the lesson. He is totally sweet, and I think he must really like me to be so affectionate. He had an away game this week, so I didn't go see him play, but after the pep rally on Friday, we had a few minutes before the buses came, and we were able to catch some alone time over by the tennis courts.

He held my hand and gave me the most perfect smile before he pulled me in for a light kiss on the lips. He said that he had plans on Saturday, but asked if I wanted to do something on Sunday. I said that I would love to do something, and he said he would call me. He squeezed my hand and smiled then went off to catch his bus. I let out a big sigh and danced over to my bus. I cannot wait until Sunday!

The best news though, is the day I spent with Jess. Jess came over this morning just like she said she would. When I opened the door, we both just stood there looking at each other for a few seconds, the last couple weeks running through our minds, both unsure about taking the first step. Luckily, at that moment, Mikey came running up to the door to see who was there.

He threw the door open wider and yelled, "Jess!" and gave her a hug. Jess hugged him back (I have never understood their relationship, but they seem to truly like each other!). He asked her where she had been, how her summer was, and what she was doing here. She told him that she would come find him and talk to him later, but that she really needed to talk to me now. He looked at both of us, and in a totally unlike-Mikey move, he left us alone.

Just as if nothing had changed, Jess and I went out to our favorite spot to sit and talk, which is on a wooden bench that my dad built and put under the big oak tree in the backyard. We sat there for a minute and I found myself staring at the black eyeliner caked all over Jess's face; it was really distracting. I think she noticed because she shrugged and started talking.

"Look, Mis, I know I have been horrible to you, and I feel so badly about that. I was so angry, and I have been so mixed up. I guess I took it all out on you." Her eyes started getting watery, and I reached out for her hand.

I wanted her to know that I was still her friend and encourage her to keep talking, but I was afraid to say anything and interrupt her.

"I had a horrible summer! When I got to my dad's house, I found out that he has been living with this woman and that they are getting married. He was so wrapped up in her, that he barely noticed I was there at all."

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