Preview of book 2, xoxoxo

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Keep reading for an excerpt from the second book in the Stories about Melissa Series


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Entry One

First New Journal Entry:

I know, I know, I know... it has been a really long time since I have written anything. In fact, it has been so long that I decided to get this pretty new journal to replace my other one. That one is old news anyway! When I noticed that the last entry was in October and it is now April, I knew that I needed to start fresh.

A lot has changed in the last six months. Jess, Jimmy, and I have been inseparable. My parents call us the Three Musketeers (such an old person saying). I am glad that Jess and Jimmy never actually dated, because now we are the best of friends! Brian and Layla are still hanging out and are annoyingly sweet to me whenever we run into each other (which seems to happen all of the time!). Megan has started seeing Mark and he is at our house all of the time now. I can never seem to get five minutes in the living room or in the kitchen, without them running in and taking over the TV or grabbing a snack. Nothing has really changed with Mikey or Monica, and Mom is still pregnant. She looks like she is about to burst. It seems like she is always in pain and eating weird food (like grits with maple syrup). I feel bad for her!

Have I mentioned that I really do not want to have kids, EVER!!??

Jess, Jimmy, and I completed our first semester of freshman year and did so great in our Photography class that we were asked to join the Yearbook staff second semester. We are in charge of getting great action pics of the freshman class (It is the best class ever!). So, we spend a lot of time going to events and takings pictures for Yearbook. It has been so much fun and it really has kept our social calendar full. We get invited to all of the best parties and have been to every sporting event. We are always there to hang out and back each other up, and I couldn't imagine having better friends than Jess and Jimmy.

I am not going to lie... I took the whole Brian and Layla thing pretty hard. I mean, I really liked Brian and thought that we were going to have a shot at a great romance; but, the whole fiasco with the dance and my parents, really messed things up. Then you throw in the Layla thing, and I was totally bummed for a while. Jess and Jimmy did everything they could to cheer my up, but with Brian on the swim team and Layla joining freshman track, they are often the subject of our photos. I see them everywhere and whenever I see how he is with Layla, I am reminded of how great Brian is! Plus, she is in my physical science class... Ugh!

We have been friendly to each other and I really don't have anything against her anymore, it just makes me sad more than anything. I can't help thinking, "What if?"

Christmas was a lot of fun. We had the festivities at my Uncle Lou's house this year. He lives on Runyon Lake in Fenton and we had family members travel from all over Michigan to get together at his place for the holidays. It was sooo much fun! I love going to Uncle Lou's. He has this great house with so many beds in it that you could sleep in a different bed every night! Everyone just shares rooms and space and kind of snuggle together like a gigantic slumber party. I don't get to see my cousins that often, but when we do get together we have a blast, especially at Uncle Lou's! Even though it gets pretty cold at Christmas, we all go outside and make snow angels and snow men. I have this new totally cute set of gloves, hat, and scarf. They look like they are crocheted pink, but they actually have a thick and fuzzy liner, so they keep me warm, while looking totally fab! I bought this beautiful charcoal-gray coat to match and I have to say, they looked really good together.

There was one day where it was cold enough that the shallow end of the lake froze, and my cousins and I went out and tried to skate around on it. Boy did my mom and aunts flip out when they saw us doing that... My mom still brings it up when she gets mad at me! "What if Monica would have seen you and tried to go out there? You could have been seriously hurt if the ice had broken!" Blah, blah, blah... Nothing bad happened and we had a great time!

Dad and my uncles went out on the last day and built an igloo for the little kids to play in. They made a big mound of snow and then tunneled into it and hollowed out the inside. The bigger kids went out when they were almost done and decorated the outside to make it look like bricks. It looked pretty cool and I got some great pictures of the kids going nuts playing in there.

After the holidays, Jess, Jimmy, and I would go sledding on a big hill down the street from Jess's house. I know, sledding is for little kids, not freshmen, but we had a blast. We would take turns going down together and just laughed until our sides hurt. We had such a great time that for once I was not happy to see the snow start melting. Of course, that only lasted for a minute; then I felt the sun on my cheek. I started imagining flowers blooming, walks at Henry Ford Mansion and Greenfield Village, sun dresses, shorts, tank tops, and flip-flops, and I started to get anxious for the spring! Not to mention Spring Break, which begins next week!

It is eleven o'clock now and I have school tomorrow, so I need to get some sleep. I have caught up, for the most part, from the last entry, and will fill in the rest tomorrow!


Ta Ta for Now! (Stories about Melissa Book #1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin