Entry Thirteen

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Entry Thirteen

Sunday Night:

So, yesterday, we picked up Jess, and she went to the game with us and then we went dress shopping. We had such a good time picking out dresses for ourselves and each other and then trying them on.

I guess I have never described her, but Jess is really cute, with black hair and blue eyes. She is taller than me and, I guess I never thought about it, but she and Brian have a similar look. They could almost be related! Anyway, we found some beautiful (and ugly) dresses to try on and had a great laugh in the dressing room while doing a mini fashion show for each other. We pretended the hallway was a runway and did our runway walk to the full-length mirrors and back.

My favorite dress on Jess was this electric blue number that went great with her hair and her eyes. It is strapless and comes to just above the knee, and it had hidden pockets. It just fit her so perfectly that we knew we had found her dress!

I had a harder time finding my perfect dress, but after trying on what felt like a hundred dresses, I finally found it! It is also strapless, but is white with teal and green flowers/leaves and brown splashes of color. It is hard to describe, but I absolutely love it! We are going to look totally fantastic at Homecoming!

Mom said that Jess could spend the night, so on the way home we stopped at the video store. One of our favorite things to do when we have a "sleep over" is have horrible horror movie night.

We go to the horror movie section at the video store, where all of the older movies are, and we pick out the lamest, most corny-looking horror movies we can find. Sometimes they are scary, and sometimes they are just hilarious! So, we picked out a few and took them back to the house. On the ride back, Jess told me she was thinking of asking Jimmy to go with her to the dance, just as friends, so that they each had someone to go with. We didn't think he already had a date, so she said she would call him when we got back to the house.

We went into the room and shut the door, so none of the rugrats would bust in during her call. He said that he did not already have a date and thought it would be fun. I said I would talk with Brian and maybe we could all four go together.

I am getting so excited I can't stand it!

We went out to check and see what was for dinner, and Mom said she had ordered pizza, so Jess and I went back to the room. When we heard the doorbell, I went to see who was there and saw Scott standing on the steps. He was kind of rocking back and forth from foot to foot and looked nervous.

I opened the door and said, "What's up, Jerk Face?"

He looked stunned for a minute and started stammering over his words, "I-i-i-s Megan h-h-e-e-r-r-e?" he stuttered.

"Why?" I asked accusingly, "Do you want to make her cry again?"

He looked really sad at that and said, "No, I just want to talk to her and try to fix things."

He looked sincere, so I said I would go see if she wanted to talk to him. I walked back to her room and opened the door.

"Jeez, do you know how to knock?" Megan yelled. She was sitting in her chair reading, still wearing her pajamas (that do not match) and looking as if she had spent the night battling a gator in the swamp.

Jess came to the door as I said, "Megan, Scott is at the door, and you look like you have been posing as the Bride of Frankenstein. Get up!" I ran over to her dresser and pulled some jeans and a white T-shirt out of the drawer. Jess ran to grab a brush and a rubber band. Together we stripped her down and fixed her up in three minutes flat.

"Much better!" Jess exclaimed. "Now get out there and make him beg!"

I had told Jess all about what a jerk Scott had been to Megan after she poured her heart out to him.

Megan looked like she was about to puke, but she went to go and confront Scott.

"If he makes her cry again, I will kick his butt myself!" I said to Jess.

"I will help you," she responded.

We looked out the window and saw Megan and Scott sitting on the steps in front of the house. Mom came up and asked us what we were doing and we told her what was happening outside.

"He'd better not make her cry again, or I will beat him all the way back to his house!" Mom threatened.

Jess and I laughed and said it looked like things were going okay. We went back to my room to hang out and wait for Megan to come back in and for the pizza to arrive. We were just lying on my floor talking about the dance when we heard the doorbell again. I ran out to grab the door, and it was the pizza guy...finally! I called for Mom and saw Megan and Scott saying goodbye to each other.

Mom paid for the pizza, and we all went to the dining room to sit down and grub. Everyone was at the table, so I didn't ask Megan what had happened just in case she didn't want to broadcast it to the family, but she started telling us all on her own.

"I know you guys were watching from the window, so I will just tell everyone at once. Scott and I talked it out, and we are going to be just friends. He apologized for the way he handled things before, but I took him by surprise, and he just reacted. We have been friends forever and neither of us wants to lose our friendship."

Mom reached out to grab Megan's hand, "Are you okay with that?" she asked. Dad looked like he wanted to walk out of the room.

"Yes," Megan responded. "I don't want to lose Scott. I can't make my feelings go away, but I can make sure that he doesn't know how I feel. I would rather have him as a friend than nothing at all!"

After dinner we all went outside to hang out until it got dark, then Jess and I went inside to watch our movies. Megan hates scary movies no matter how horrible they are, so she went to log on to Facebook instead, and Mikey is too young to watch them, which really makes him mad, so he and Dad went outside to shoot hoops. Dad installed a light out there, so they can play whenever they want. Mom and Monica went to play in her room before her bedtime.

The movies were truly horrible and fun! Especially this one called Kiss Me Deadly... Talk about a low budget! After the movies, we went into my room to try on our dresses and do our hair and makeup to get ideas for the dance next weekend. We stayed up late, so we slept in late. We woke up when my mom came in and told us that Jess's mom was here to pick her up. She grabbed her stuff and her beautiful dress, and we hugged goodbye. I felt totally lazy, so I got up and went to the basement to get on the treadmill for a while. It felt good to get my blood pumping and my body moving.

After I showered, it was a pretty chill day. I just hung out with the fam. I even went out and played some b-ball with Mikey and Megan, and then got my stuff ready for school tomorrow. Now it is time to hit the hay, so I will write more later. Only 6 days until the Homecoming Dance! I can't wait! 

Ta Ta for Now!

Ta Ta for Now! (Stories about Melissa Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now