Chapter 30

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©mugiichan, 2015

Before proceeding, special mention kay tackygirl  na lagi akong kinukulit sa updates. Sana masatisfy ko yung expectations mo. LOL (just kidding)

Mea Resplendent Dulcinea (Pt. 2)


I slapped him hard right on his face.

"How dare you!" I scowled causticly, blazing my angry brown eyes unto his emotionless eyes. I start to scrutinize him from top to toe with such bitterness in my gaze. "How dare you Thaddeus!" I repeat once more, stating his name with the feeling of hurt evident on my voice. I tried to hold my tears but I lost, they went down running across my cheeks.

He was still silent and emotionless. He wasn't even affected about what he had done earlier. Should I expect some pathos in his eyes? Never. He's the worst person I've run into. Why should I waste my time hanging around with this kind of person? I will curse my words through the depths of hell that I'm not gonna fall for this ruthless and incorrigible guy, even how much he cares for me and even if he'll ask my hand in marriage. No. It will never be!

I need my rest, a real rest. I want to go home.

I still can't believe that Thaddeus called me that way. I know he's a well-refined man, he came from a well-mannered family but the moment he called me a stripper from his own mouth, I felt degraded. The sight of the old Thaddeus I knew was nowhere to be found. I closed the bedroom door gently, and let myself cry in disgrace. Why, Thaddeus? Why do you have to do this? For your own enjoyment? Am I that low-class to him to be called a stripper? I'd still hope to take his words aback but he never did. He really alleged that I looked like one with my two piece suit! I've never been so much hurt by his words, no one ever did this to me except him. I never thought he can call me that harshly, through with that outfit? God, he really judged me on the outer shell. He's just too shallow!

I stormed inside the walk-in closet, brushing my tears away as I changed my clothes and pull all my things out and put it on my luggage. I grabbed my cousin's car keys from the coffee table by the living area but a warm, calloused hand prevented me from doing it.

"You're not going anywhere." A dark, husky voice echoed into my ears as he grips my hand. I already knew it was him. I flicked his hand away but he didn't budge. I cracked a laugh as I turn my face to face him. "Now what do you want from me? Do you feel satisfied because I looked like a stripper, right? Well you're right. That's fuc-"

"Stop mentioning that stripper thing!" He growled like an angry wolf, his brown eyes staring at me deep down like he's piercing me deep into my soul. I shivered in fear as he grip my hands tightly like a hawk grabbing its prey.

I tried not to wince in pain and answer him in a sarcastic voice. "Earlier your called me a stripper and now you're asking me to stop. Can't you just make up your mind-"

"I said stop calling yourself a stripper or else I won't bother myself throwing you into that spacious couch. I am trying not to unleash the sleeping beast inside of me and if you will state one more word... Just one more word, there's no coming back, my sweetheart. I will ravish you, crash you deep down, and you will only and only just moan and scream my name in pleasure to heaven." He roared his words in a firm voice, making my body shiver in fear.

"Now try to provoke me with that word and that swimming suit you wore, I won't take any chances, Saab." He added, his dark stares are visible in his eyes, making me push the lump that was already formed in my throat. "I will not."

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