Chapter 27

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©mugiichan, 2015




Two days from now, I'll be flying to Thailand for another doctor's convention that was sponsored by a well-known pharmaceutical company. Today was a busy day for me because of the drastic change of my schedule because I will be gone for a week or so. A lot of patients had made their early schedule on me so that I could check them up and finish all of my paperworks as well. I'm having a hard time to complete all the things I need to do because if I don't finish these on time, I'll be on trouble. Well, it's not what you think about the word, trouble. It's just I can't help myself to be bothered about those unfinished works if I leave to Thailand. It's my thing to make everything be done before I leave so that no one will bother me when I will be out of the country doing this convention. I always indulge myself to attend each and every convention when time permits me. It was my way to have a little vacation on my part and to enjoy little things life has to offer me. I already accept the fact that my life will be as simple as this and I don't have any time left for my heart. Yes, romance was out of my dictionary anymore since Margaux cheated on me twice. I had enough of my foolishness when it comes to love. I am tired of going back in the same process when you know in the end, they will just break the trust you build with them. In short, I have issues on trusting people around me.

I called in my secretary, Ethan to check with the hotel that I'm planning to stay during the duration of the trip. As he walked in, he seems hesitant to tell what's inside of his head.

"So how's the assignment I gave to you? Did you make a reservation already?" I asked.

"Yes doc, pero may problema po eh." He started to scratch the back of his head as if it is itchy.

"What's the problem?" I asked him, eyeing him confusingly. "Tell me."

"I already asked you for a reservation for a suite earlier this morning, actually. I just called the receptionist to check on my request but..."

"I'm sorry Ethan, I have to take this call first. I'll just call you when I'm done." I cut him off when my phone rang. It was an unknown number, yet I have to answer it. It's my thing to answer every calls I have because sometimes, it's my old friends new number. I just asked Ethan to go out from the room to have my own privacy.

"Hi Stuwart." I tried to hold my annoyance as I heard her high pitched voice. It was no other than Margaux. I should've not answer the call. What's with her again? I recently changed my number yet she has it, again.

"I don't have a time to talk with you, Margaux. Get a f-cking life." I was about to end the call when she butts in again.

"Opps, opps... You can't say that. Cussing is bad as well you know, babe." She says, haughtily. I could sense that she's already smirking at me that made my blood boils with anger on what's she up to now. I'm so damn tired of playing her games. "I told you Stuwart, being your underdog isn't a part of my dictionary. I already gave you a chance so don't blame me for these."

"What's this again, Margaux? You know what, I'm really tired of you." I still remained calm talking to her. I'm holding my anger that's gonna burst any minute right now. Anyway, I can handle my emotions. I can play emotionless even though I'm already pissed off inside. But if Margaux pushed the correct buttons, I'm sure I'll gonna burst out, the same thing I did before. She was lucky, I'm just talking to her on the phone. If by chance, she's in front of me talking this way right now, I will really make her scream in pain. I'm sure she will. Crossing the line is the worst thing she did. "Can't you just stop the f-ck playing with your stupid bullsh-t games?"

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