Beast Boy (Teen Titans) x Male reader

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Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans or this picture

This was a request and sorry if the characters are really ooc because I am not a fan of Teen Titans and I only watched the first like five episodes to write this so sorry in advance!

(Your superhero name is Nightingale. You are a ninja, weapons are a kunai and double swords, you can also use ninjitsu.)

~(Your POV)~

You were the newest member of the Teen Titans, Nightingale, you were used to working alone so it took a while for you to get used to working with them as a team, but you were getting there. Although you enjoyed spending time with the team like playing video games or going out for pizza, it was nice to have sometime on your own so you stayed in your room like Raven. Although sometimes you had to go outside so you would either go up to the roof or wonder around the city on your own for some fresh air. You would have said for peace and quiet as well but as we are in a city it is never really quiet or peaceful, it was noisy and there was always something going on.

Your habit for going out alone was one of the reasons you were in this mess.


Walking along the roof tops in the city alone was time you spent thinking about various things, although recently your thoughts had been plagued by a certain member of the Teen Titans.

Beast Boy.

A couple of days ago you and Beast Boy had been playing video games basically all day and were still playing late into the night when Robin, Cyborg, Starfire and Raven had all gone to bed leaving yourself and Beast Boy sitting on the sofa, alone. You were playing a team campaign online and you would tease each other when one of you died which consisted of nudging each other with elbows and knees. Occasionally the teasing would escalate into the two of you having a small fight before going back to the game. In the morning you woke up with yourself lying on top of Beast Boy on the sofa with your head on his chest. Slowly you looked up at his face, he was still asleep but you couldn't help but stare. He looked so peaceful and innocent.


You couldn't help but blush slightly at the memory, not that anyone could see it because of your mask and the fact you were on top of a building. Since your mind was preoccupied with your thoughts and feelings towards the cheeky and playful yet kind and sweet Beast Boy, you failed to notice when you were ambushed by Jinx, Gizmo and Mammoth. Landing face first on the ground as Mammoth restrained you and Gizmo put handcuffs around your wrists, you tried to fight them off but with the position you were in and with Mammoth on your back it was impossible to physically move him. Instead you tried using ninjitsu however nothing happened which made your stomach drop. As Mammoth got off your back you watched him as walked in front of you when you saw his fist coming straight towards you.

-------(At the Titan Tower)------- ~(3rd person pov (I think..?)

"Hey have you seen Nightingale?" Beast Boy asked as Starfire watched Robin and Cyborg play their video game.

"I have not seen him for quite some time." Replied Starfire.

"Ok, well have you guys seen him around recently?" Directing the question at Robin and Cyborg.

"Have you tried his room or the roof?" Asked Robin.

"Yeah and he's not there."

"Then he's probably gone into the city to sit on top of a building." Cyborg replied.

"But he's never been out there this long!" Exclaimed Beast Boy, getting an increasingly bad feeling in his stomach that definitely was not from a dodgy pizza. "And I tried contacting him but he doesn't answer..." He said, his voice filled with worry. The other Titans now also starting to look worried.

"His GPS should still be on so I should be able to track him." Robin said as he went to his computer, while the rest gathered around him "According to this he is at a warehouse by the docks." Robin announced after a minute of typing.

"Let's go!" Shouted Beast Boy as started running towards the door.

"Wait! You know this is probably a trap so we can't just go rushing in!" Robin yelled back at him.

"I don't care! Now are you going to help me go get him or not?!" Beast Boy shouted angrily at him before turning around and running out. He knew it was probably a trap but he didn't care he just wanted Nightingale to be safe, he wanted to laugh with him as they played video games, he wanted to pull pranks with him, to see him smile without his mask on, to hold his hand and run his fingers through his hair. But most of all he didn't want to lose you.

-------At Warehouse------

Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Starfire and Raven were getting ready to enter the warehouse that you were in. The others had caught up with Beast Boy on the way and had got him to calm down a little bit, enough so he didn't barge straight in to the warehouse. They had quickly knocked out the guards surrounding the place as soon as they had arrived.

Robin and Raven would go in from the back while Beast Boy, Starfire and Cyborg would storm the front.

As soon as they entered they saw you sat handcuffed and tied to a chair in the middle of the warehouse, with your mask around your neck and a gag in your mouth. You had been beaten, not hard but enough to give you some good bruises that would still be there in a week and some cuts here and there, but it was enough to enrage Beast Boy. Transforming into a cheetah Beast Boy ran towards you, wanting to get to you as soon as possible, however Jinx, Gizmo and Mammoth got in his way.

"Move." Growled Beast Boy, angry that they not only kidnapped you and beat you up but for also getting in his way. They just stood and laughed at him making him even angrier. "Fine then." He said before dashing towards them followed by Starfire and Cyborg and the battle started, Robin and Raven did a surprises attack allowing Beast Boy to run past them and head towards you.

"Starfire destroy Nightingales Handcuffs!" Robin shouted over to Starfire while fending off Gizmo. Starfire just nodded and quickly flew over to you blasting your handcuffs off before heading back into the battle.

Beast Boy got to you as Starfire flew back to the battle, he didn't say anything he just took the gag out of your mouth and then pulled you into a tight hug, like he didn't want to let you go, and you gladly returned the hug, as if there was no battle going on around them.

"Don't ever do that again." Beast Boy muttered over your shoulder.

"What?" You asked slightly confused at what he was talking about.

"Don't make me worry like that ever again." Pulling back from the hug but still holding on to you, looking in your eyes. "I don't want to lose you cause..." He cut himself off looking off to the side with a blush on his cheeks.

"...Because...?" You ask slightly confused and curious at the same time, but he refused to speak or look at you, so you brought one hand up to slowly bring his face back to yours. "Because what?" You asked again which made Beast Boy blush a little darker.

"...Because I... I like you... Maybe even love you. But you seriously had me worried there, I though I could have lost you and I just..." Beast Boy cut himself off again looking down at the floor but you didn't care because you were still trying to get your head around the fact the guy you like just admitted that he felt the same way. Not looking up at your face Beast Boy started to pull away from you again so you just pulled him back to you making him look up at your face in surprise, when he noticed the wide smile on your face.

"Don't go because I like you too, maybe even love you." You replied happily while Beast Boy looked at you in shock but then he started to smile as well.

"Really?" He asked just to make sure.

"Really." Your answer made a bright wide smile appear on his face as you hugged each other once again but this time it was a gentle, loving embrace. Pulling back to face each other once again you both lean forward to share your first kiss, as the battle ended with the Titans victory.

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