Derek Hale (teen wolf) x male reader

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Author note: Is set somewhere in the middle of season 3. Please bare in mind that this is the first time in a couple of years that I have written a story.
(Y/n) = Your (first) name
(L/n) = Last name
(E/c) = your eye colour

~(Y/N) pov~
I was finally going back. I was finally going back to the place I called home, after being away for years, I think. I don't know I don't really keep track of time...

Anyway I was finally going back to Beacon Hills and I hope to meet up with my childhood friend Derek Hale. I haven't seen him since I left when we were fourteen, we did write letters to each other but there had been less and less as time went on and when I had been gone for about a year they stopped all together. I missed him, he was my best friend and I still class him as my best friend even though I haven't seen him in what feels like forever. Sure I did make a couple of friends when I moved but Derek will always be my best friend and none of my new friends were as close to me as Derek was.

I had just driven back into Beacon Hills for the first time in years. Somethings had changed whereas others just stayed the same, they looked exactly the same as when I had to leave. I didn't have anywhere to stay, but I figured I could call round to Derek's house and crash there, as we used to have sleepovers there all the time. But Derek didn't understand why I liked going to his house because he would always complain about it being to noisy with all his family members that would come round, but I liked it. I have a small family but I didn't and still don't see them very often, plus being an only child it gets lonely sometimes so going there was interesting, there was always something going on and I guess in a way they became like a second family to me. Don't get me wrong I love my family but it's more fun at their house.

It was just after noon when I turned down the track that lead through the woods to the Hale house, but I was sure something was wrong. I looked at the track and it was covered in leaves and debris with small patches of grass and plants growing in it. The track didn't look used at all. Considering that the Hale's are a pretty big family and they always have people coming and going the track should look more used, it shouldn't have plants growing out of it and it should have two clear marks where car tires have run over it many times but it didn't look like that at all.

'Derek and his family wouldn't have moved house' I thought to myself, 'the Hale family has lived in that house for generations, there is no way they would leave.' I was getting increasingly more worried by the second.

Once the Hale house came into view I couldn't help but stare in shock at it as I drew my car up to the front of the now burnt out Hale house. After turning the engine off I just sat there and stared at the house trying to take in the sight before me. After about five minutes of sitting there I finally decided to get out of my car and look round the burnt out ruins of the house I knew so well.

I could tell that the fire must of happened a few years ago judging by all the leaves inside and the thick layer of dust that covered the burnt belongings inside, but there was a hole in the floor that looked more recent. I sniffed the air for any scents, I knew it was probably pointless but I tried anyway, and I could just pick up some very faint scent or scents but I couldn't tell them apart as I could hardly smell it at all.

Walking around the familiar rooms on the ground floor again I noticed this time that there were claw marks on the wooden floor. And it suddenly hit me. 'What if they are all dead? What if Derek's dead? What if Derek made it out but none of the others did?' It felt like I couldn't breath. I sank on to my knees, my hands clutching at my t-shirt feeling as if it was too tight, gasping for breath. I tried to calm down, but I was just so confused as sad that my control started to slip and I could feel my eyes change colour, and my fangs and claws come out. Seeing as I had only been a werewolf for getting towards a year I was pretty good at controlling the shift but if I get really emotional my control weakens. With this intense feeling of loss I wanted to howl with the pain but I didn't know if there was a pack in town or if here were any hunters around either, so I didn't I had to keep it in.

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