I looked at Haru.

Haru: Is something wrong?

"No. As a matter of fact all of the sentences are perfect Haru. I'm really impressed" I said. "You've been studying haven't you?"

Haru: No...Not really...

Makoto and I chuckled.

Nagisa: Jun-Chan...check mine again.

I grabbed his paper.

Penguins are cute and swim fast.

My favorite animal is penguins, all kinds of penguins.

Peguins eat a lot of fish and do not eat vegetables like zucchini.

"You spelled zucchini right. I think you're done with that, good job Nagi-kun. You guys wanna take a break?" I asked.

Nagisa: Yes! Please!

"I'll order some pizza. You want anchovies on yours Haru?"

"Anchovies? No. Mackerel" he said.

"Bleh. That's gross, I'll just let you add it...there's canned mackerel in the cabinet. What about you Makoto? Nagisa?"

Nagisa: Pepperoni, Pineapple, Sausage!

Makoto: That sounds great.

Nagisa: Jun-Chan, do you have protein powder?


Makoto: (╯︵╰,)


"Protein powder?" I asked.

Nagisa: Yeah, I like the strawberry one.

"Um...I think so but...on pizza?" I looked at him in disbelief.

Nagisa: It's delicious ~

"Ahem. Okay well I'm gonna go order the pizza" I said as I got up and walked to the kitchen.

Nagisa: Jun-Chan always acts like the Jun-Chan at school doesn't she?

Makoto: What do you mean?

Nagisa: I mean, her personality is the same. I thought maybe as a girl she'd be different than when she dresses like a boy but that's just how she is.

Haru: Is that a bad thing?

Nagisa: Of course not. It's different from most girls though, Sakura-Chan and her are truly different.

Makoto: Very different. Sakura is really girly and cutesy.

Nagisa: Yeah. Jun-Chan is cute even when she doesn't try to be but yet again even when she's a boy it's the same kind of.

Haru: She's still trying to adjust, going back and forth now is helping her get in touch with her femininity.

Makoto: Haru has a point, having to act like a boy for so long I guess she's trying to adjust to being a girl still.

Nagisa: I wish she'd dress like a girl, I think she'd look great in the uniform. Jun-Chan's pretty and also charming.

Haru: You think so?

Nagisa: Mhmm. Don't you Haru-Chan? You like her don't you?

Makoto: Haru?

Haru: What?

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