Fright Time

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Snow's POV:

I jumped from the rafters and hid behind some boxes. Emma told me to act scared and try and get them all jumpy. I began panting and trying to act scared then I raced out in front of them.

"You have to get out of here!!" I panted and they all shared bemused looks.
"And why would we do that darling?" Zelena asked and I noticed George and Ingrid were gone, it was just zelena and the demon twins.

"Well the spell that brought Ingrid back wore off and George ran off the big wussy!" Sally told me as if reading my mind.
"You have to leave because everything is out of whack! Emma she's ..." I stopped when the lights began to flicker.

"Emma's what?" Daxton asked and I could hear the uneasiness in his tone, I had to stop myself from smiling , our plan was working.
"She's..... she's a well she's looking for reven-" I started then suddenly I was swallowed into a portal at my feet.
"Nooooo!!!!" I screamed falling in I then opened my eyes and I was sitting on a stack of boxes.

"You okay?" Emma asked me and I nodded. "Good now whatever you see don't make a sound." She murmured pulling up her hood on her black cloak.

Then she reappeared in front of Zelena and her crazy twins.


Sally's POV:
My blood ran cold when a hooded figure appeared in front of us just after that goody two shoes Snow had disappeared.
"Nice trick Snow pretending to be your dead daughter!"

"Whose pretending?" Emma's voice rang out through the factory and I took a step back fearfully. Then the figure removed her hood and the ghostly figure of a bloody Emma stared back at us and I shivered.

"And I'm here for my revenge!" She shouted and it was then I saw the huge hole in her stomach. I gulped then Daxton screamed and ran right out the door,but who could blame him he's the one who killed her. I couldn't stand another minute.

I pushed zelena at her and took off for the factory doors.
"Insolent brats get back here!!!" She screamed but it was everybody for themselves now let her get killed by Emma's ghost!!!!
Regina's POV:
I waited behind the tree with my future self. I saw Daxton and Sally running for the trees I motioned for my future self and she nodded stepping out in front of them.

Then turned and ran in my direction, then I stepped out and they looked back and forth between us.
"What's a matter twins seeing double?" Both of us asked at the same time. Then I poofed them to the insane asylum where David and Hook were waiting.

Then I watched zelena race out looking petrified and I grinned this was going to be fun.
Emma's POV:
I watched zelena run and I whooped in victory.
"Yes it worked!!" I yelled to my mom who laughed climbing down the boxes.
"Yes you did!!" She cried happily wrapping me in a hug.

"There's one more thing you must do." My future self whispered limping into the room her eyes were full of pain.
"Are you okay?" I asked and she smiled.

"No, my goodness is dying I'm afraid,but I'll be just fine. Now you must reset the memory core." She told me softly looking towards the roof.
"Well do it after we fix you!" I murmured putting her arm around my shoulder and my er our mom did the same.

"No buts were going to see gold now!" Our mom told her firmly.
"Man I forgot how bossy you could be." My future self joked chuckling.

To Be Concluded...
Hey guys the next chapter will be the last but don't worry once I finish I'll start the sequel to father and daughter :-)

Weird Future ThingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora