Worlds Collide

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Snow's POV:
I watched as the future came to our time and all of them looked confused and then shocked when they saw Emma.

"Who did this?" Mary Margaret asked wiping her eyes tearfully and Regina scowled angrily.
"Daxton, Sally and zelena, oh and lets not forget her side shows Ingrid and King George." She raged and Haddy began to sob.

"Why would they do this why?" She asked saddly her face looking so heartbroken, but future Killian looked crushed completely crushed.
"I just lost the love of my life and my children." He spat angrily.

Haddy then stood shaking with pure rage.
"I'm going to kill them both!" She spat.
"Wait don't!" Emma exclaimed sitting up.

Emma's POV:
"Wait don't !" I exclaimed quickly sitting up. All heads turned towards me. And I had about a hundred eyes on me.

I pushed myself up and stood in front of this girl who I didn't know.
"Listen don't do it, okay?" I begged and she just stared at me open mouthed.
"S-so you're not dead?" She asked and I smiled

"No, but I only did it so I could catch Sally and Daxton by surprise." I promised and she grinned brightly then threw her arms around me.
"I'm so happy that you are not dead grandma." She murmured and I frowned, uh since when was I a grandma?!

"She's from the future." My mom explained icily and I could tell she was mad.
"Look mom I'm sorry" I tried picking up my future granddaughter.
"I don't care, sorry doesn't fix how you made me, all of us feel Emma, it doesn't fix that you made my heart explode in my chest!!!!!" She spat and before I could retaliate. Future me walked in followed by four children.

"Before all of you freak out, just remember thanks to younger me you now have the element of surprise in your favor." She grinned somewhat sinisterly. I slowly placed the girl on the floor and stared at my darker and older self.

"Sorry bout that hon, didn't mean to make you worry but if we had appeared then the plan wouldn't have wor-" she stopped a look of pain crossed her features and she screamed falling to her knees and clutching her head.
"M-mommy" a little blonde girl whispered fearfully touching her shoulder.

"Mommy ....j-j-just f-fi-fine Leah okay" she muttered weakly and my mom's future self raced over to her.
"Oh honey are you alright?" She asked worriedly.
"I'm fine, just you guys go on with your plan, just a small case of the dark spells" she explained shooing us away.

"Alright guys here's the plan!" I started with a smile.

To Be continued...
Hey guys thanks for reading my book this far ;)
Sorry to say there's about three or so chapters left and then it'll be over :)

Also was wondering if you would be kind enough to check out my other book

Tangled Up Mess
It's about Rapunzel and Eugene's daughter and snow, David and Emma are in it too so please check it out I would really appreciate it. And love to hear your opinions on my book.
Thanks you're all too amazing

✌peace out love Prisky0731✌

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