Am I Dead?

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Emma's POV:
I blinked a couple times and my baby brother came into focus. I don't know why but my line of sight zoned in on him. He looked so adorable and he was a sight for sore eyes.

"Neal?" I whispered and I heard frantic voices around me,but I chose to ignore them because my brother was alive. I tried to sit up only to yell in pain from my overly sore body.
"Emma just relax!" My mom whispered and I froze, my mom I tilted my head back and my eyes met hers and I began to cry.

"You're alive!!!" I exclaimed touching her arm," wait or am I dead?" I murmured and my mom gently wrapped me in a hug.
"You're very much alive sweetheart!" She exclaimed stroking my hair.

"You ...died.....ogres and I ...I thought I lost you." I babbled and my mom shushed me rocking me back and forth.
"Shh its okay just relax honey." She murmured then I saw Henry and I somehow I sat up and reached for him.

I was shaking badly my body was super weak.
"Henrrrry c-c-come here!" I shivered trying to grasph him and he began to cry.
"I'm so glad you're not evil." He blubbered and I smiled despite not having a clue as to what he was talking about.

"Dad!" I shouted after Henry had released me from my hug.
He smiled touching my shoulder.
"Red , I saw you die too!" I sobbed and Red smiled gently hugging me slowly.
"It's okay sweets I'm alive." She murmured softly.

I cried and cried and cried that's all I could do I was just so releaved that none of it had been real. Then Regina knelt down next to me with a glowing hand.
"I'm going to heal your major injures." She told me and I was so out of it , that I asked
"What injures?" I asked then cursed myself because my parents and son were right there. Regina looked down before she began the long list.

"Um your broken back, both of your broken legs and your wrist, fractured ankle, dislocated shoulder, broken arm and your three broken ribs, if you'd like." She told me arms crossed uncomfortably. I nodded as she waved her hand over me and instantly I felt relief.

"Ah that feels so much better thanks!" I told her starting to stand.
"I'm sorry but I left some of the smaller scratches and bruises " she apologized but I just waved her off.
"Heck all that matters is my back and legs! You have no idea how painful it is to army crawl with one arm while your back stings like a b-" catching my son's face I reworded my answer," like a bunch. " I murmured but when I stood my legs were weak and I collapsed back to my knees.

"Here love" Killian whispered extending his hand out to me. I smiled and took it before I kissed him.
"I'm so glad you aren't dead!" I exclaimed brightly and he grinned back.
"As am I love!"

"Emma!" Rolland yelled and I turned scooping him into a hug.
"Rolland oh thank god!" I whispered into his hair then I pulled away. "Where did those little demons take you?" I asked and he scowled
"They hung me by my feet from a tree." He complained then he smiled dreamily. "But I was saves by an angel" he told me and I grinned.

"That's great buddy but I have to go and stop those two." I started towards the door when my parents blocked my path.
"Emma do you think that's a good idea?" My mom asked and I frowned
"They're both five I think I can handle it!" I grumbled and my dad grabbed my shoulders

"At least tell us who these people are!" My dad pleaded and I sighed sitting down.
"Alright but take a seat its a long story."

To Be Continued......
Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter. I made it extra long!
Anyway please vote and comment and let me know what you think also
Who should be Zelena other sidekick

1. King George
2. The Snow Queen
3. A fairy tale character you would like to see helping her out
Back story
Enchanted forest name
(They don't have to have a cursed name)
Hair color
Eye color

So please let me know if you have any ideas and I'll give you full credit. Also if you like they can help out Emma's side but just let me know if they're good or evil

-thanks love ya all ;)

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