Little Demons

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Emma's POV:
I will never let my guard down like that again. The little conniving monsters had tricked me, but could you really blame me for letting my guard down they're freaking five years olds who would suspect them?

Anyway the spons of the devil tied me up inside an old warehouse, outside of town. So I'm guessing they weren't present for the first or second curse someone brought them here.
"Look Sally, Daxton what is it that you want from me?" I asked and Sally sneered.

"For you to suffer, I donno make your worst nightmares come alive" she laughed jumping onto a table so our eyes met.
"I can't believe you bought that crap of a story about the circus and how we were friends with a freaking cow and cat!" She laughed villainously.

I wanted so badly to spit in her face but I restrained myself. Then Daxton raced off and dragged Mr. Gold into the room.
"Sit down dark one!" He snapped shoving him into a chair.
"Gold why are you listening to them?" I asked incredulously.

He looked towards me with sadness in his eyes.
"They've got Bell" he whispered and I realized that his lip was bleeding and he had gash on his arms and face. Daxton laughed evily
"See what happens when you don't listen Emma." He snickered.

This time I didn't restrain myself I just spat right into his face. He yelped in surprise and fell off the stool he was standing on.
"You're gonna pay for that you b$%# !!" He yelled catching me by surprise because he was five and not only was he an evil mastermind but he swore like a sailor.

"Leave her be Daxton, she isn't worth your time!" Sally sneered but Daxton reared his fist back and socked me right in the face. Everything went black immediately.

~~~~~~~~seven hours later~~~~
I groaned shaking my head, and boy did it hurt. I turned to Gold and asked.
"How do I look?" I asked smirking slightly despite the constant pounding in my head.

"Despite the lovely shiner the demon twins gave you quite lovely." He complemented sarcastically.
"As do you." I told him wishing I had some Tylenol right now. For a five year old the kid could punch hard.

"Aw look who's awake!" Sally exclaimed coming from the other room. She then threw a pack of ice at me which just bit my face and rolled onto the floor since my hands were tied down.
"Oops sorry" she laughed.

I felt blood running down my face out of my nose. I shivered slightly wishing my parents were here, or Granny even. Even better Killian. I closed my eyes and imagined them here. I willed them to be next to me.

My heart sunk when I realized that now I'd never find my family. Even if they did return they'd never find me. I cried on the inside so Sally wouldn't get the satisfaction.
"I love you mom, dad, Henry, Hook I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I murmured in my head.

Then to my surprise Sally undid my wrists and handed me a thick stack of papers. Not before handcuffing my legs together and attaching a chain to the wall and to my wrist.
"What's this?" I asked softly
"Our real story go ahead take a look!"

"What if I refuse?" I asked and she slammed me against the wall.
"That'll happen!" She chirped icily.
"Okay up for a story Gold?" I asked softly, turning the first page.

To Be Continued.....
Hello guys I hope you liked this chapter, let me know who you hate more
The old hag
Zelena or
Sally and Daxton

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