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Emma's POV:
I quickly realized that it was Zelena who had done something to them when I found her book under one of the tables at Granny's and I was going to have to confront her tomorrow.

Why tomorrow well I had to take Rolland and Neal home to eat, sleep and such. The merrymen had wanted me to take Rolland so they could drink and what not.
Anyway I was walking home Neal in my arms and Rolland walking next to me holding my hand.

"Emma do you think we'll see my daddy ever again?" He asked looking up at me with his big adorable eyes.
"I don't know buddy when exactly but I'm going to try and find them as soon as I can." I promised and Rolland nodded

"Yeah cause you the Savior!" He exclaimed and I smiled feeling unsure how to answer when we reached the apartment. I smiled and helped Rolland up all the steps.
"How does macaroni and cheese sound for dinner?" I asked and Rolland whooped for joy.
"Yea!! Love cheesy noodles!!" He cheered and I laughed.

"Awesome then two bowls of cheesy noodles coming up!" I exclaimed.
"No vegi-tables." He told me and I grinned
"Kid you're speaking my language."

_______two hours later________
I was sorting through Zelena's spell book when I found a page on time travel.
It read:
Past Transporter Spell

Has the ability to transfer a person or group of persons to any time the caster of the spell pleases past or present.

I groaned in frustration this meant they could be anywhere in the space time continuum.
I threw the book on the couch and went upstairs to check on Rolland. I smiled at his sound asleep form. Quietly I slipped my baby blanket out of the room and headed back downstairs.

I checked Neal and found him still asleep before I grabbed the picture of my mom and dad from the coffee table and placed it on the sidetable by the bed.
I kissed my fingers then placed it on the picture.
"Don't worry I'll find you I will always find you."

To Be Continued...

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