Answers Revealed

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Snow's POV:

I stared at the building in disbelief. The trees were curled around the sign so it was hardly visible but it was obviously Granny's.
"Um how long have we been gone?" I asked and Red shook her head obviously just as confused as me. She looked like she was about to say something when she was cut off by a loud booming voice.

"HALT WHO GOES THERE!!??" Someone shouted and we all froze in place.
Slowly we turned and saw a group of ten guards dressed in greyish armor. With the symbol of the letter S on the front of them.
"Um we're wondering where we are?" Henry asked stepping forward only to have Regina yank him back.

The beefy looking guard snorted at Henry's boldness.
"You're in the Dark Queen's kingdom!" He shouted and Henry scowled.
"Oh really because it looks like we're in storybrooke to me."

The guard sneered getting really close to Henry's face.
"Who're you boy?" Regina shoved him back.
"Well we could ask you the same question bozo!" She looked mad, she had that look of pure hatred on her face and so I pulled her back and tried to reason with her .
"Regina let's not fight maybe we could make peace with this Queen." I offered

The guards all laughed loudly.
"Uhh there's a reason she's called the Dark Queen and not the happy rainbow peace Queen!" He snorted and I scowled. Then shot Killian a look because he was laughing.
He cleared his throat, trying to school his features.

"Sorry love." He muttered and I rolled my eyes. Before I could comment again a boy dropped down from the trees right on top of the beefy guard knocking him out cold.
"Sorry boys I don't think the queen needs anymore prisoners today!" He laughed throwing a boomerrang and knocking three of them in the head and the others ran off in both surprise and anger. He whooped happily fist pumping the air.

"See that Cassie I'm amazing!!" He informed no one and I frowned unsure of who he was talking to when a small girl dropped down next to him smiling brightly.
Studying them I realized that the boy looked around twelve possiblely thirteen, and he had dazzling blue eyes and black hair.

Cassie had black hair and the same dazzling blue eyes, that looked very familiar to me, but I couldn't place where I had seen them at. Anyway she looked around five maybe six.

"I may have thought you were cool but mom won't!" She chided and he rolled his eyes while leaning on a tree. I tilted my head to the side still wondering why they both looked so familiar to me.

"Uh Snow Who are these kids?" Red asked arms crossed. I shrugged unsure of everything at the moment. That was until Henry stepped towards them and asked
"So who's this Dark Queen they were talking about?" He asked and the boy pushed himself away from the tree and got real close to Henry and whispered
"She's a tortured soul who doesn't have any feeling in her darkened heart." He whispered and Henry looked confused as did the rest of us.

"Um was her name Regina?" He asked and both kids burst into laughter, which I could tell annoyed Regina. The little girl was holding her sides and shaking her head.
"You've gotta be kidding right?" She asked looking so very amused while the boy rolled on the floor laughing hysterically.

"No shes the Evil Queen" Henry defended
"Correction she was the Evil Queen now she's just an annoying grandma of a lady who bosses us around!" Cassie remarked and Regina whispered in my ear.
"I've never met these kids before in my life!!" I nodded feeling just as confused.

"Neal Leopald Noland!!!" Someone shouted and I froze shivering, in front of me was my son, my baby and that meant that the little girl next to him was my daughter,but something wasn't right where was Emma?

To Be Continued.....

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