Golden Angel

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Rolland's POV:

I woke up and the world was blurry. My head hurted lots. I closed my eyes trying to make the pain go away but it was useless. I rubbed my eyes trying to make the world clear again.

Once my vision cleared I realized I was hanging by my feet from a very large tree. My hat had fallen to the ground and I felt so sad. I began to cry my tears hitting the ground below me.

I sniffed wiping my sleeve under my nose.
"Are you okay?" Someone whispered from the bushes I turned myself around using the tree and gasphed. A girl stood there with blonde curls framing her face. She looked like a angel and Angel sent to rescue me.

"Hello, anyone home?" She asked in a mocking tone. I smirked
"I'm good just need help getting down!!" I admitted. She nodded brightly. Then she made a bunch of weird noises with her mouth and at first I thought that she was crazy.

Then the most wonderful thing happened. A bunch of birds, some rabbits and two deer bounded out of the woods. She smiled stroking one of the deers.
"Think you can help get him down?" She asked him and the deer nodded back!! My mind was officially blown.

The birds used their beaks to cut the rope, the bunnies carefully eased me down onto the deer's back, and finally the girl helped me stand on my feet.
"Okay one question how'd You get like that?" The golden angel asked with a smirk.

"Sally and Daxton!" I gasphed Emma, oh I hope they haven't hurted her.
"Who?" She asked tilting her head so all of her curls fell to one side.
"They're who tied me up!!" I explained feeling tears brim my eyes.

To my surprise she wrapped me in a secure hug.
"Don't cry, I can help you if you want." She offered,but at that moment a loud voice screamed something and her face fell.
"I'll never forget you...."
"Rolland." I filled in and she grinned.

"Rolland, I'm so sorry I can't help after all, my sister is impossible!" She told me sadly.
"Wait what's your name?" I asked
"GOLDIE LOCKS ANSWER ME!!!" A voice screamed from the woods.

Goldie smirked turning to me.
"Well then I guess that answers your question! Farewell Rolland. Until we meet again!!" She called racing into the trees.

"Bye!!" I called picking up my hat. To my surprise the birds pecked my legs free and flew off. I smiled to myself, thinking that I should borrow Henry's book and see if Goldie was in there.

Then I shook my head, told myself to get serious and I raced through the woods trying to get to the apartment. Hoping Emma was still there.

To Be Continued.....

Hey guys, was just wondering what you thought of this chapter :) please vote and comment !!!

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