A Whole New World

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Regina's POV:
I sat up my whole body stinging from my contact with the hard ground.
"Why do I have a feeling Zelena had something to do with this?" David grumbled and I rolled my eyes at him.

" I don't know maybe because it was her stupid time portal and her stupid spell book!!!!" I fumed rubbing my temples at his ignorance.

"Look Regina maybe instead of being so difficult you could help instead." He told me trying to sound all princey and official which just made me laugh.

I was going to retaliate but Henry stepped between us and shot me a reassuring smile.
"So are we back in the enchanted forest?" He asked looking around.

Snow got down on her knees and felt the dirt, while Red sniffed the air.
"This is a forest all right just not the enchanted forest." Snow whispered.
"Then where the hell are we?" I asked feeling frustrated.

Red's eyes went wide
"You guys aren't going to believe this but we're in storybrooke!!" She explained.
"But storybrooke doesn't look like this!" Henry observed but Robin pointed towards something and we all turned and gasphed.

Tangled within vines and trees was Granny's diner.

To Be Continued...

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