Let's Go G.N.O. (girl's night out)

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Bell's POV:

"Rumple? RUMPLE!!!" I yelled into the phone that just buzzed at me. Furious I threw the darn thing at the wall. Surprising Mulan, Aurora and Ella.
"Bell what's wrong?" Ella asked me and I shook my head tears pooling in my eyes.

Both Emma and Rumple were in danger and I didn't know who had them or where they were. I felt so useless.
"Someone is holding Rumple and Emma captive. And Emma is ...is..." I began to cry but I had gotten the attention of Aurora, Mulan ,Ella and Granny.

"Emma you found her?" Granny asked and I shook my head.
"No all I know is that her and Rumple are being held captive and Emma's too hurt to do anything. " I whispered taking a drink of my ice tea.

"It must be those two children Sally and Daxton!" Granny grumbled and I choked on my tea. Aurora rubbed circles on my back while I sputtered and coughed.
"What is the matter Bell?" Mulan asked and I stood feeling bitter and angry.

"I know those two!" I spat grabbing my coat and heading towards the door. "And I am not letting them get the best of me again!!!" I yelled only to have Ella step in front of me.
"Wait Bell let me come with you, I owe Emma my daughter's life." She pleaded and I nodded just as Aurora and Mulan stepped in front of me too.

"We'd like to help as well Bell!" Aurora exclaimed and I couldn't help but grin.
"Of course follow me to Rumple's weapon vault!!" I exclaimed. As they followed me out of Granny's after they left their babies with Granny, we all were determined to find Emma and Rumple and put those brats in the time out where they belong.

To Be Continued.....
Hey guys thanks so much for all your support!!
You're all so AMAZING!!!

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