Following the Leader

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Emma's POV :
As I walked back I had a feeling that I was being followed. Although every time I turned around nothing was there. I frowned shrugging the feeling off.

As I started again I got the feeling again but I waited before I used my heels to spin around. Catching the little kids from before by surprise.
"What're you two doing?" I asked folding my arms and Sally looked towards the boy ,who nodded.

"We just wanted to see where you were going." She answered her voice sounding so small and inoccent.
"Well I'm going home, if you must know." I explained and a look of longing crossed over the boys face.

"You have a home? Golly I wish we had one of those!"the boy exclaimed and I frowned kneeling down in front of him.
" You don't have a home? Well then where do you sleep?" Sally shrugged.

"Anywhere comfy and sheltered." I frowned shaking my head.
"Well how about I call up my good friend Bell and see if you can stay with her?" I offered and Sally frowned.

"But we don't know her." She exclaimed grasping my leg.
"Oh well she's very nice and she loves to read." I tried but the boy grabbed my arm.
"Oh can't we please stay with you kind lady." I studied them intently before I whispered
"Alright come on" and I took each of their hands and lead them towards the apartment.

Granny stared at Sally and Daxton(who's name I figured out later) suspiciously, while they played with Rolland on the floor.
"Emma just who are these kids?" She asked me I shrugged not really knowing myself.

"Um Daxton and Sally." I told her and she shook her head at me.
"I mean who were they before?"
"I don't know." I admitted lamely.
"Emma I made you a friendship bracelet!!" Sally exclaimed slipping a bright pink bracelet onto my wrist.

"Oh..uh thankyou." I exclaimed smiling ,trying to be polite. She then slipped an identical one onto Granny's wrist.
"Pretty" she mumbled sarcastically, slowly getting up and heading to the kitchen.

I smirked at her retreating form, before turning to Sally.
"So Sally just who were you in the enchanted forest, or where ever it is you came from?" I asked and she smiled.

"I was the spoon who ran around with the dish!!" She exclaimed happily.
"You mean from the hey diddle diddle nursery rhyme?" I asked and she nodded eagerly.

"Yep see the cat, dog and cow were my friends in the circus and that was our act we'd dress like a spoon and a dish and do the tight rope." She explained and I felt a bit suspicious of her answer, but the feeling soon left me.

I smiled shaking my head,
"Well let's go see what Granny's cooking." I exclaimed grabbing her hand and helping her onto the island stools.

To be Continued....

Hey guys let me know what you think :) so please vote and comment :-) thanks so much!!!

Weird Future ThingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora