Emma No!!!!

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David's POV:
I couldn't believe what had just happened, all I could do was stand there and I felt the tears trailing down my face but I couldn't move.

Then Snow collapsed to her knees next to our daughter sobbing uncontrollably.
"My baby... My daughter!" She cried sobbing and letting them rack her body.

Out of nowhere Henry took the sword from Emma's hand and charged Daxton. He sliced at him and knocked his sword out of his hand and pinned him against the wall.
"I'm going to kill you!" He spat angrily and he pushed the blade roughly against his neck.

"Henry!" Regina tried , walking towards him but he turned holding Daxton with one arm and pointed the sword at Regina.
"Just stay away from me, I'll kill him if I want !" He raged and Regina held her hands up in surrender and took a step back.

"Lad please don't do something you'll regret." Killian yelled but Henry stood firm his eyes pooling with tears of anger.
Finally I walked towards him, fearful for his pure heart.
"Henry don't do this, Emma wouldn't want you to." I tried but be turned on me eyes alit with rage and fury.

"How would you.. Any of you know what she would have wanted? She's dead and now I'm going to return the favor!!!" He spat turning and raising his sword and.....

To be Continued....
Hola my wonderful followers just wanna thank you for reading my books even when they're having a dry spell .
You're all so Wonderful
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✌peace out until next time✌

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