Feelings Bore Me

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Red's POV:

Oh my gosh my head was pounding. Emma threw me hard. I sat up just in time to see Snow step forward nothing but determination in her eyes.
"Emma I know you're hurting, but this needs to stop this isn't who you are!" She shouted tears forming in her eyes.

Sadly though one look at Emma's face and I knew she didn't care. Not even a little.
"Awe and just who am I Snow?"
I could tell Emma calling her Snow had hurt her, but she remained unfazed on the outside.

"You're our daughter , Henry's mother, Hook's lover, a big sister, a goddaughter, a friend and a grandmother." Snow finished after looking at Haddy.
I held my breath, but Emma stayed unchanged.

"Hey you know what else I was the Savior!'' She laughed throwing Snow across the floor so she slid, I quickly caught her before she flew off the balcony. I looked up and saw David take a step towards Emma.
"What? You gonna share your feelings too?" She mocked bitterly "Well let me tell you prince Charming feelings bore me!" David clenched his jaw in anger.

"No I'm not going to share my feelings!" He raged and Emma smirked "But I will tell you this Emma Ruth Swan, because that is your name if I had wanted you to be called Dark Queen then that's what we would've called you but we didn't so you're Emma and I don't want to hear any objections!!! " he spat angrily.

For the first time I saw a flicker of the slightest bit of emotion cross her features.
" And How DARE you throw your mother across the room!!! SO NO I'M NOT GOING TO SHARE MY FEELINGS BUT HERE THIS EMMA RUTH I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU!! " he finished and I watched Emma school her features quickly.

The she gave David mock puppydog eyes.
"Awe I disappointed you?" She asked before her face became murderous " Well I guess that's not the first time is it!!" She spat throwing David against the wall.

He groaned in pain and I watched Hook scoot over to him.
"Emma, stop please stop please!!!" Neal begged his voice breaking.
"Aw why hello Mommy's favorite!" She snickered walking over to her thrown.

"Cut it out this isn't you and you know it!" He raged and Emma scowled angrily.
"Well then Neal what do you suggest I do?" She asked angrily.
"Please come home with me?" He begged

"Come home with you? COME HOME WITH YOU!! " she raged throwing a torch to the floor in anger. " GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I HURT YOU!!!" She screamed loudly. I watched her eyes flicker to her original green color.

We were wearing her down.
"Keep going Neal!!" I shouted but then Emma threw him to where she threw David. Thankfully David caught him, before he hit the wall super hard.

Cassidy took a determined step towards Emma. Showing no signs of any sort of fear what so ever.

To Be Continued...
Hey guys I start school tomorrow so my updates will be less frequent and most likely only on weekends!!
So I am gonna try and update a lot today :)

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