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Henry's POV:
I was walking towards Granny's feeling so very happy and carefree when I tripped over something making someone laugh at me looking up I spotted Grace from across the street and I sighed. Shaking my head.

I looked down and gasphed it was Zelena's book of spells.
"Why is this just laying around?" I murmured to myself. Slowly I raced into Granny's and scanned the room for my mom Emma but she wasn't here.

Thankfully though my other Mom Regina and her boyfriend Robin was, my grandparents too, and Hook (my mom Emma's boyfriend) and Red. I swiftly raced in and blurted loudly.
"Guys its Zelena's spell book!!" All six heads snapped over in my direction.

"What Henry let me see!!" My mom exclaimed and I handed her the book while Robin and everyone else peeked over her shoulder. "Henry where did you find this?" My mom questioned looking interested and intrigued.

"I was walking in here and then I stumbled upon it!" I explained stretching the truth a bit. Then out of nowhere the book's pages began to turn rapidly by themselves.
"Regina what's going on?" My grandpa called the pages sounded like huge gusts of wind.
So it was super hard to hear.

"I have no idea!!!" She screamed back and a large light erupted from the book then a swirley bright portal appeared and sucked us all in just in time for Killian to yell.
" It's a time portal!!! "

To be Continued...
Hey everyone please oh please comment and vote and tell me what you guys think ;)

Weird Future ThingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora