Chapter Eighteen: Broken

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Austin's PoV

I never wanted to that to happen.

I should have just told her.

Now I'll have to learn to live without her for forever, instead of just a little less than a year.

I find the promise ring, put in my pocket, clean her whole house, then leave locking the door behind me.

When I get to my house, Dave asks, "Where's Kaylei?"

I run up to my room, shut and lock the door, then jump on my bed and cry into my pillow.

About ten minutes of crying later, my mom knocks on the door then asks, "Austin? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I say.

"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?"


"Austin Carter Mahone!"

"It doesn't matter, it's too late to fix my mistake. I screwed up."

"Unlock the door."

I sigh, get up, unlock then open the door, then lay back down on my bed.

My mom sits next to me then asks, "Did you tell her?"

"No, I could find the right way to tell her. I was trying to get used to not seeing, talking, hugging, kissing, etc. her for a while. Then I went and screwed everything up." I take the promise ring out of my pocket then add, "It's too late to fix. She's gone."

"She would have been happy for you."

"Happy? Why would she be happy?"

"It's your first tour."

"That she can't go on. I wanted her to be there with me the whole time, I told her she could go on at least my first one when we started dating. But they said she can't. I don't even want to go on it now."


"She's gone! I have nothing left! When she walked out that door, she took my heart with her! Everyone was saying that we're the perfect couple. I guess they were all wrong."

"Austin, a perfect couple is two people that love each other, and can get though everything that is thrown there way. If you never fight you won't know if you can last. This is just the first bump in the road. A perfect couple doesn't exist without obstacles."


"No buts. If you two are truly meant to be together, everything will work out. Explain to her what happened then give her time."


"Okay. Now, finish packing up. We gotta leave early tomorrow morning," she says then leaves my room.

I sigh then finish packing up all the stuff I need.

When I finish, I find a necklace chain and put the promise ring in it, then put it around my neck.

My mom, Dave and I eat dinner, then I fall asleep in my room.


Dave wakes me up at about 5:30AM. We all pile all our bags in the car.

I call Kaylei, her car isn't at her house.

She doesn't answer.

I sigh then hang up.

"It'll be okay," Dave says putting his hand on my shoulder.

I give him a fake smile then get in the car.

The whole way to the airport I play with the necklace with the promise ring on it.

When we get to the airport, I call Kaylei again. It rings and rings and rings and rings and rings. Voicemail. This time I leave a message. "Hey Kay-Kay. I'm so so so so sooooo sorry. I know I screwed everything up. I don't know what I was thinking. I hope it's not too late to fix my mistake. I really do love you. I'm sure by the time you listen to this I'll be in San Diego. I hope you can forgive me. I'll be back in Idaho for my last show of the tour in about eight months. I hope you know how stupid and horrible I feel. I never wanted to hurt you. I just wanted to get used to not being with you every single day. I should have just told you about the tour. But I was afraid that you would get mad, because they said you couldn't come. I hope this isn't the end of Austlei. But if it is, I hope you have a wonderful life, and I'll forever remember and miss you. I hope if you decide to start a singing career you get as far as I know you can. I love you with all my heart. Goodbye Kaylei."

We get on the plane.

I wait for it to take off and take me even farther away for the love of my life. My heart breaking into a million more pieces.

Kaylei's PoV


I'm awoken by Andrea. "Wake up sleepy head!" she yells.

"No, I just wanna lay here until I die," I say.

"Not gonna happen chica!"

I sigh then sit up.

"Rachel made some waffles!" Andrea say excitedly then runs out of the room I'm using.

I get up and walk to the kitchen.

We all eat, then I go take a shower. I borrow clothes from them.

After I get dressed, I look at my phone. I have two missed calls from Austin, one from Courtney, and a voicemail. I listen to the voicemail.

When I finish listening to it, I'm completely in tears. I didn't know that he was going on tour. I wouldn't have been mad. I feel to bad now.

I remember Courtney called me, I call her back.

Her: Hey hey hey!

Me: Hey.

Her: What's wrong?

Me: I made a mistake.

Her: What happened?

Me: Austin wasn't being himself. I didn't know why. I didn't ask. I left after we got into a fight about it. Now, he's gone and won't be back for about eight months. He left me a voicemail explaining what was going on. I feel so bad now. I don't know what to do.

Her: Everything will work out.

Me: I hope so. I don't want this to be the end of the road. The last thing me saying to him being I want him gone.

Her: You two are meant to be together.

Me: Anyways, what did you call me for?

Her: Did you see the videos Robert put on YouTube of me singing on Valentines Day?

Me: No. I'll watch then as soon as we hang up.

Her: Haha okay. Well Robert thinks we should become singers. I wouldn't be able to do it alone.

Me: We should, I was thinking the exact same thing the on their day.

Her: Yay! I mean coolio.

Me: Haha you cray.

Her: Not as cray as you!

Me: What ever helps you sleep at night.

Her: Whatever silly. Anyways, watch the videos, there's two. Then work on the Austin thing.

Me: Okay bye.

Her: Byeeee love ya.

Me: Love ya too.

We hang up.

I watch the videos.

She's even better then I remember. I think this singing thing could work.

Now, what to do about Austin.....

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