Chapter Fourteen: Valentines

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Robert's PoV

"I was wondering if you would, uh, would want to, uh, maybe, um, be my valentine?" I ask nervously.

She just sits there looking at me.

"I'm sorry just forget I ever asked that."

"Did Austin put you up to this?" Courtney asks, after a short silence.


"Sure he didn't," she says then runs into her bathroom.

What is she talking about? Why would Austin have put me up to this? I'm so confused.

I walk over to the bathroom door and knock.

"Go away!" she yells.

She's crying...

"Courtney, I honestly don't know what you're talking about."

"Stop lying to me!"

Now I'm gonna start crying.

I call Austin.

Him: Hello?

Me: Why is Courtney saying that you put me up to this?

Him: What's 'this'?

Me: I might have asked her to be my valentine.

Him: Awwww.

Me: No, she ran into the bathroom and she keeps saying I'm lying to her! Why does she think you put me up to it?

Him: Because, I know she likes you. She thinks you don't like her and that no one ever will. She told me not to tell you to ask her. She probably thinks I told you to.

Me: You, I, she, what?

Him: Put me on speaker the put your phone next to the bathroom door.

I do as he says then knock on the door.

Courtney: Go away!

Austin: Courtney?

Her: Austin? I don't wanna talk to you!

Him: Then just listen. I never told Robert about you liking him. Him asking you was all his doing, not mine. I would never do that to you. You should know that. I love you too much to hurt you like that. You are a strong beautiful young lady that any guy would be lucky to have. Heck, if I didn't have Kaylei I would be fighting for your heart. Stop with all this no one loves me crap! I love you. Kaylei loves you. Alex, Sarah, Zach, Tyler, Dave, my mom, your family, Robert, everyone. I'm pretty sure if Robert or I told the Mahomies about you, they would love you. All the true Mahomies knew it was a lie when that Alex and Sarah stuff was going on. True Mahomies would love you for you just like we all do. You need to get that through your head. I'm sorry if I sound a little rude right now but I care about you too much to let you go though this.

Her: Austin I-

Him: No. Just please stop doing this to yourself.

Her: But-

Him: *sighs* Look Courtney, I don't know what I'm supose to do. I told you want you need to hear. Just listen to me. I don't want to ever hear about you hurting yourself ever again. Just please, stop doing this.

He hangs up after he says that.

I grab my phone then go sit on Courtney's bed.

After about five minutes, Courtney slowly comes out of the bathroom then sits back in her chair. She looks at the ground.

"Courtney?" I ask.

She ignores me.

"Courtney?" I ask again moving to the edge of her bed.

"You don't really want to," she says.

I stand up and walk over to her, then say, "Look at me."

She continues looking at the ground.

I take my index finger and thumb and lift up her chin so she's looking at me. She's still kinda crying.

After a few seconds I ask, "Why do you think that?"

"No one has ever liked me before, and no one ever will. I'm just an ugly, depressed cutter."

"That's not true. You're the prettiest girl I've ever met. You may have been depressed and cut before, but that's all in the past. You are stong enough to get through this and I am going to be here helping you every single step of the way. And personally, I like your scars. They make you, you. I may not like the fact that you made them, but I'm glad you stopped. You're so strong. They show that, the bullies didn't win. You're still here today. Still the beautiful, young girl the world fell in love with. There are so many people on the planet that love you."

She starts crying more then says, "But you aren't one of them."

I sigh then say, "I swear Austin never told me to do it."

"But you don't want me."

"Why are you so convinced that that's true?"

She stands up then walks a little away from me so her back is to me then says, "You deserve someone else. Someone without scars. You don't need me. You need someone special."

I walk over to her, snake my arms around her waist, then say, "You're special to me."

"Why?" she asks turning to face me.

I sigh.

"You deserve someone better. Do you know how much hate I would cause you?! No one likes a girl that cuts herself! It's a proven fact! No one cares unless you are pretty or dead! And I'm not dead and I'm definitely not pretty!"

"Would you stop with that?" I ask trying not to raise my voice and yell at her.

"I just don't believe you actually want me!"

I take a deep breathe then ask, "If I really didn't want you, would I do this?"

"Do wha-?"

I crash my lips onto hers.

Kaylei's PoV

I walk out of the bathroom then walk back to the living room, where I left Austin. I instead find Michele.

"Austin is in the backyard sweetie," she says.

I walk to the backyard and find Austin standing in the middle of it with a little box. A bunch of candles lit to make light because it's ten at night. I walk up to him then ask, "Austy? What are you doing?"

He clears his throat then says, "I wanted to give you this." He hands me the little box.

I open it. I take out the little card, it says, "Kaylei, will you be my valentine? -Austin". The other thing in the box is a necklace that has my name on it.

"Austin, I would love to be your valentine."

"I knew you would," he says smirking.

"We are dating silly."

We both laugh.

Austin takes the necklace, puts in around my neck, then turns me and pulls me close to him so our chests are lightly pressed against each other.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you more," he argues then crashes his lips onto mine.

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