Chapter Six: Day Five

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-Friday, 3:26PM-

Austin's PoV

It's been five days, Courtney hasn't improved, Kaylei is a wreck, and Robert, Zach, Tyler, Sarah and Alex are on their way up to see her.

Kaylei said they didn't need to come up, but Alex insisted.

Sarah is really pissed at everyone for believing that stupid lie. She knows Alex would never ever do that to her. She got so tired of all the tweets about Alex cheating on her, she almost deleted her twitter.

Alex told me the story.



Alex's PoV

I'm on twitter watching Sarah yell at some jerk face.

They say: But they got some pretty convincing photos

Sarah: Oh he's walking with her, he's just being nice. Pushing her on a swing, he's very sweet. Sue him!!!

Them: You just don't want to accept the truth

Sarah: I am, I accept that you're an idiot that obviously doesn't now Alex as well as I do.

Them: You're so mean! You don't even deserve Alex. Why are you guys still together?

Sarah: Oh really, yesterday you tweeted saying we are the cutest couple ever and we should never break up. Don't think I didn't see it

The other person doesn't say anything after that.

I go and tweet: Okay, everyone that believes that stupid rumor, that is NOT true, go ahead and hit that unfollow button.

I lose like 500 followers.

Sarah: Okay, that's it I'm deleting my twitter!!!

Me: No, don't. Don't let them bug you. You know the truth and that's all that matters.

Random person: Retards!!!

Me: Do any of you people even know what Courtney did because of all of you???

Random person: No and I don't give a shit!!!

Me: Well, she tried to commit suicide and was REALLY close to succeeding!

Random: She should have succeeded!

After that I just log off twitter.


Sarah's PoV

I'm like seriously sick of these friken people. I'm on the plane. There is two seats an aisle three seats an aisle and then two seats. It goes some random girl, me, aisle, Alex, Robert, Zach, aisle, Tyler, then Cameron. Cameron decided to come with us, I don't think we told Austin though. I've never met Courtney, but she seems like a sweet, caring person. She doesn't seem like the kind of girl that would try to steal someone from someone else. Gosh I hate people so much sometimes! Anyways, I'm on the plane, and this girl will not stop talking about how Alex is cheating on me. I know Alex can hear her, because last time I looked over at him, I saw a tear go down his cheek. I just want to hug him right now. I want this plane ride to be over!!! Okay Sarah calm down you only have to wait about ten more minutes.

When we finally land, I run off as so as I can.

The boys come off and walk over to where I stopped. Alex sits down on the ground and puts his head in his hands.

I bend down next to him and hug him, then say, "Alex, I love you with all my heart and I will never leave you. I don't care about what other people say about you. They can't make me believe a lie like that. I know you were just being the nice guy you are. If anyone is stupid enough to believe that stupid rumor, just let them. We know the truth and so do all our friends. And like you said the other day, that's all that matters."

"I just can't take all the crap anymore," he whispers.

"Hey, look at me."

He looks in my eyes.

"Like I said, I love you with all my heart," I say then kiss him.

He kisses back.

After a few seconds Robert says, "Okay, okay, people are starring."

Alex and I laugh then pull away then stand up. I quickly kiss his cheek, then we all go and get our bags.


Austin's PoV

"Kaylei you need rest. If you aren't up an hour after they get here, I'll come wake you up," I say.

"Okay," Kaylei says in a really tired voice.

"You can go sleep in my room."


She tries to get up to go up there but ends up just falling back down.

"You're weak from lack of sleep," I say walking over to her. I pick her up bridal style then walk her up to my room. I carefully lay her down on my bed. She falls asleep almost instantly. I walk back out of my room, quietly shutting the door behind me.

"Austin!" Dave yells.

"Shhhhh!" I yell.


"What do you want?"

"Did you finally get her to sleep?"


"Good, she's way too stressed about this. It's not heathy."

We walk downstairs.

"I know, but she still thinks it's partly her fault," I say sitting on the couch.

"It's 100% Sandra's fault."

"I know. Kaylei thinks it's her fault, because she says she shouldn't of left her alone like that when all that stuff was happening."

"But Courtney had been clean for two months. She had no way of knowing that she would do that."

"I know."

My mom comes in and asks, "Austin?"

"Yeah Mom?" I ask.

"How much sleep has Kaylei gotten this week so far?"

"About 18 hours all together, why?"

"Let her get a lot today. Sarah and I are gonna take her out to do something tomorrow."


"That's for me and Sarah to know," my mom says smiling.

"Okay, I was gonna let her get a lot of sleep anyways. She really needs it."

"Yeah she does," my mom says going to leave the room. "Oh wait, Sarah said that they just landed and they are on their way here."


My mom and Dave walk to the kitchen, and I sit on one of the couches.

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