Chapter Nineteen: Surprise!!!

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*A/N: I noticed I messed up the day of the week a while ago so were just gonna say its Friday, March 21. I'm gonna start with a fill in in no ones PoV*

Austin's tour is going good. Kaylei told him to not tell the fans that they broke up, just that they're having a few problems. She told him to give her a little time to think about what happened.

Rachel and Zach are confused about where they stand.

Tyler likes Andrea, but Andrea says they're just friends nothing more.

Sarah and Alex had a little fight, but it passed and they're still together.

Robert and Courtney haven't spent much time apart. She's been working on her singing, and he's been supportive the whole time.

The boys decided to join Austin on his tour for Spring Break, and the girls decided to go to Los Angeles. Kaylei and Courtney having a surprise up their sleeves for all of them.

Courtney's PoV

As soon as school gets out, Sarah and I go to the airport and fly to LA.

We meet Rachel, Andrea, and Kaylei at the hotel.

"Tomorrow is gonna be awesome!" Kaylei yells.

"I know right!" I yell.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Sarah asks.

"You'll see," Kaylei says smirking.

"Let's order room service! I'm starving!" Andrea says.

"Yeah," we all agree.

It's 7:30 when the food gets here. We all eat.

"We gonna stay up all night," Andrea sings, mimicking the One Direction song Up All Night.

"No," I say.

"Awww, why not?" Rachel whines.

"We need sleep for what were doing tomorrow."


We all get our pajamas on.

Kaylei and I share one of the beds, Rachel and Sarah share the other one, and Andrea sleeps on the couch.


"Wake up!!!" Kaylei and I yell while pulling the blankets off everyone.

They all groan.

"What time is it?" Sarah asks.

"8:30AM. Now get your butts outta bed!" I yell.

They get up, then we all get dressed then go down to the cafeteria and eat breakfast. (External Link=Kaylei's and Courtney's outfits)

When we finish eating, we start walking to our surprise.

I've been working on this for about a month. I'm weirdly not nervous. Well, I'm a little nervous about the judges.

"Where are we going?" Andrea asks.

"We're almost there. You can see the building," I say.

"Oh. My. Gosh!" Sarah exclaims, realizing where were going. "You guys are auditioning for The X Factor!"

*A/N: I didn't watch the 2012 season but I know they did it differently than the one in 2011, so I'm going to do it a way I want to and if you don't like it, complain to someone who cares*

-4hrs later-

Justin Bieber, L.A. Reid, Demi Lovato, and Simon Cowell. The four X Factor judges.

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