Chapter Three: A Fight

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Courtney's PoV

Why is she doing this for me. It's not like it's gonna change anything. I not saying I don't love her voice, her voice is amazing. It's way better than mine.

I frown.

"What wrong?" Alex asks giving me back my phone.

I shake my head. 


"It's almost Kaylei and Robert's turn, let's go stand by the others."

We start to walk over to them, Sandra stops me.

"Oh, so you're gonna have your cousin stand up for you, why don't you do it yourself?"

I just look down.

"You're so pathetic!"

"No," Alex says. "You're the pathetic one. Picking on her. What did she ever do to you?!"

"She, uh..."

"Exactly! Nothing. You just like messing with other people's life because yours is so called perfect. Am I right?"

There is a silence.

"I'm right," Alex says then pulls me over to Austin, Zach, and Tyler.

I hug Alex tightly, he hugs me back.

The announcer guy announces Kaylei and Robert, then they walk on the stage.

The music starts.

Kaylei sings, "I wanna be a billionaire so freaking bad. Buy all the things I never had..."

The song continues, Kaylei singing Bruno Mars' parts, and Robert singing Travie McCoy's parts.

When they finish, everyone claps and cheers.

The announcer says, "Everyone go vote for your favorite, you have one hour to get your vote in."

Robert and Kaylei walk off the stage and over to us.

I hug Kaylei. Then I hug Robert and kiss his cheek. I could swear I saw him blush, but I just shrug it off.

Sandra comes up to us then yells, "Who the hell do you think you are?!"

"Hmmm let me think," Kaylei says. "A person that is better than you."

"If you win, it's only because you sang with a famous person."

"In case you didn't know, Robert isn't famous! Just well known! If I wanted to sing with a famous person, I would have sang with Austin."

"That would have been worse! Austin is a horrible singer!"

Kaylei looks like she's about to kill someone.

Austin holds her back.

"Austin!" Kaylei yells. "Let me go!"

Austin keeps holding her back, "No!"

She somehow slips away from his grasp then attacks Sandra. She and Sandra punch, hit, kick, smack, etc. each other for a good five minutes then they boys finally pull them apart.

Sandra punches Kaylei's face then walks away.

Kaylei falls to her knees holding her face.

Austin kneels down and hugs her.

She crying.

Austin does his best to comfort her.

"Are you okay?" Zach and Tyler ask at the same time.

"Yeah, just fine," Kaylei says pulling away from Austin and standing up.

Austin hugs her again and asks, "Are you sure?"


He lets go of her.

-An hour later-

Austin's PoV

It's time to see who won. I hope it's Kaylei and Robert, not because I know them. They were really good. Kaylei sounds like an angel. That song was amazing. I can't wait to see them win, well if they win. I just hope Sandra doesn't win, she doesn't deserve it. She was okay, but she wasn't the best. They was only 15 groups that preformed. Either singing or dancing, or both.

The announcer guys runs on stage then says, "Im going to name the top five groups, in a random order, and I want them to come up on stage." He pauses for a second then begins, "Sandra Davis! James Burn! Jessica Gale! Kaylei Stone and Robert Villanueva! And last but not least, David Fisher!"

Everyone claps and cheers really loud.

"Okay okay okay," the announcer says. "Let's start with fifth place.... James Burn!"

Jessica gets fourth and David gets second.

It's down to third and first with Sandra and Kaylei and Robert.

The announcer starts "And the first place winner is....."

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